
1.7K 80 55

"It's TripleK!" The man cheered as the family entered the office. He came around his desk to shake Jin and Namjoon's hands. "Hi my name is Sejin."

He then greeted the boy's as they took their seats infront of the desk.

"So you've decided to sign with BigHit." He smiled as he pulled out three stacks of papers. "I will be your manager, and that means getting you to the world scale."

The three boys smiled shyly as they began to imagine their future.

"These are contracts and you each have to sign one." He explained holding up one of the paper stacks. "Basically it says what we're aloud to do. Take you out of the country underage without your parents, change your appearance, use you for marketing etcetera."

"For marketing?" Jin asked, Sejin nodded.

"So if they're on any billboards for paid partnerships or we release merchandise."

He slid the three copies across the desk with three pens before the boy's began to sign.


"Alrighty! Thank you boys, welcome to the BigHit family." Sejin announced as he slid his card over. "You can add my number to your cellphones as we'll be in constant contact."

"When do we start?" Taehyung asked as he smiled.

"Well, I have a few things to discuss regarding your schooling and living arrangements due to your rise is success. Once we reveal that TripleK has chosen to sign with BigHit we will be asked to do interviews and shows; even albums so we have to cover our bases before we go forward." He paused.

"Have you guys gone to school yet?" He asked, the three boy's sighed.

"We got mauled." Jimin stated.

"Well, we can either enroll you into online school, s.o.p.a., or you can choose to drop out."

"Well I think that dropping out is-"

"Not an option." Jin cut in, cutting off Jungkook.

"S.o.p.a. is a really good school." Taehyung added as the other two looked to him. "But also if we have to travel for some reason, online could be more ideal."


"The newest K-Pop group taking the world by storm; TripleK choosing BigHit Entertainment from eight scouting companies."


The three boys sat in the conference room, Sejin entered followed by a team of 5 more people.

"This is your marketing team." Sejin stated before taking a seat. "So you guys wrote a new song?"

The three boys nodded.

"That's perfect. We'll get you in the studio with Namjoon as soon as possible and then we'll begin working on your concept."

The three boys smiled as Taehyung pulled out his phone, beginning to play their new song.




Yas sisters


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