For Sale: Wedding Dress; Never Worn

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This was a writing prompt I did for my English class. It is a part of this book, and I am including it here as a teaser for things to come.

Adeline had never been known for her fearlessness. Nor had she ever been known for standing up for herself or for a rebellious streak. She had always been the perfect, quiet, sweet little girl, with gentle blonde curls who was too shy to say anything louder than a whisper.

Yet here she was, about to do something she never thought she could, or would do. The weight of the large heavy plastic bag dragged her arm down and was making her back hurt. Usually she didn't have to carry something this heavy, however, today she was on her own. She was tired of choices being made for her, and people taking care of her. This time, she was going to do something herself. Even so, she couldn't help but shrink a little at the thought.

She'd never actually been in a Pawn shop, never needed to be. She didn't really need to be here now, but she would rather face a pawn shop salesman than a group of catty soccer-moms that lived in suburbia gossiping about why her wedding failed and why she wasn't good enough while also treating her like she was a kicked puppy.

Adeline sighed, and re-adjusted her purse strap. She decided she didn't really like doing things on her own. It was lonely and scary, and she was really missing the comfortable protection of Berlin behind her, acting as both bodyguard and faithful friend. She missed having Solaris next to her as well, chatting up a random stranger in line in front of them and generally brightening the room with his radiant smile. She even missed Reyna's cool attitude and sass towards anyone who dared even glance their way, even if it was occasionally annoying. She was meeting up with them for lunch, but this was an errand she had to make unaccompanied.

They didn't even know the wedding was called off yet. Perhaps she would tell them in an hour or two when they were at lunch. Then again, perhaps not. Reyna would slip into a rage, and threaten bodily harm to Adam, and while the concern was appreciated, Adeline really didn't want to make a big deal out of the situation. She wished Adam well, but he was no longer someone she could marry without regret. Especially since he had begun cheating.

The simple matter was, Adeline had grown up a lot the past year and a half. Her values had changed, her morals had changed, and her view of the world had changed. It was no longer so black and white as she had childishly believed for so many years. And while it wasn't always a nice place, it was full of amazing people. People like Berlin, that Adam saw as underlings. Half-breeds. Disgraces to the planet, and vermin that deserved to die. Adeline had once believed him whole-heartedly, after all, he had seen more of the world than she had. He knew what he was talking about.

But now that Adeline had met Berlin, and his family, she realized that Adam wasn't wise, nor did he know what he spoke of. He was a rich little boy, who had never had responsibility, and who knew nothing but what the inside of a mansion and a life of luxury is like. He was ignorant of what the world was like. Nor did he particularly seem to care about it. He was after money, and his own pleasures. And Adeline wanted no part of it.

"Ma'am," a voice called, ripping her from her thoughts, "Ready for you at counter two."

Adeline smiled quickly at the young man before approaching the counter and setting down the wedding gown. It was rather frivolous, and had real diamonds on the belt and bodice, with hammered pure silver threads lacing them together with it's greedy, expensive fingers. Everything else was either real silk or gossamer. A pretty, but utterly useless item. It cost more than the houses of many of the people she knew. And that made her feel sick.

The sales boy looked the dress over, and whistled, "This must've cost a fortune, eh?"

"Only half of it," Adeline replied quietly. The clerk laughed, not knowing that it was the truth. Adeline had spent half of her inheritance on this beautiful garbage. She had thought that after she wed, there was no need for her to have any money of her own, she could just spend her husband's. She was paying the price of that idiotic decision now.

The sales boy continued to talk about pricing, and how much she would get out of it. Honestly, Adeline didn't care, she just wanted to be rid of the thing. The dress was a dead-weight to her now. Eventually, they came to an agreement on the terms, and the boy got to work on making the sign for it. He grabbed a nearby sharpie, the lid coming off with a sharp pop before being put to a piece of cardboard.

"For Sale: Wedding Dress; Never Worn

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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