;Chapter 27;

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Sams POV

I bought a new phone earlier, currently playing was one of my favourite songs!

It was; Paramore- Ain't it fun

I sang softly to it when the favourite part of the song came on; I put more effort into my voice and before I knew it I was dancing around singing the song

"Ain't it fun? Living in the real world?

Ain't it good being all alone?

Ain't it good to be on your own!

Ain't it fun you can't count on no one!

Ain't it fun?

Living in the real worlddd"

I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door; it was Adam

I smiled and nodded at him; he walked in and smiled at me he looked really happy!

"I've almost got everything ready meet me outside the lake in 20 minutes?" And with that he left

Left me standing there in nothing but shorts and a my chem top

I raced around trying to find what to wear until I found my denim black skinny jeans I slipped them on and found my green day top! I slipped my shoes on and got my jacket I grabbed my phone and pressed pause on my music I went to the mirror and looked at my appearance!

I looked okay!

As I was walking someone bumped into me

"Hey watch where your go- Sam?"

I looked up and found jack standing in front of me

Of all people him!

My ex.

"Yeah, if you excuse me I have places to be" I tried to push past him but he grabbed my arm

"Now now, I'm sure it can't be that important can it?" I looked up at him; he was smiling bitterly

"If you should know I have a date to attend" I said with gritted teeth I started up at him a harsh glare and he let go of me and walked off muttering to himself

I smiled and carried on walking

As soon as I got to the lake there was a music player and a blanket I sat down and waited for Adam

A couple of minutes later he showed up looking as great as ever! His ripped jeans and his other green day top

He sat down with me and gave me the thing behind his back it was a ring?

And engraved it said 'love never dies' I looked up at him and smiled

"Thank you" I whispered he took it off me and slipped it onto my finger

He pressed play on the music player and American idiot played softly throughout the speakers

"Welcome to your very own green day concert beautiful" he said he embraced me in a hug and I rest my head in the crook of his neck I breathed in his scent

After a couple of songs later we was laid down on the blanket

Stay the night was playing throughout the speakers

Adam was softly singing along

"Say, you'll stay the night because we're running out of time, so stay the night I don't wanna say goodbye"

I hummed along and my eyes started to droop and before I knew it I couldn't here anything anymore

Adams POV

I heard her humming along! It was perfect, everything was perfect! I don't care if she's pregnant, she'll be dying in a week and I'm sure to make it the best week ever! I didn't hear her humming anymore

I turned around to look at her and she was laid there not making a sound, I got a bit worried...

As stay the night was still playing on the speakers

"Well I don't wanna say goodbye"

I started crying and I panicked even more; I picked her up and started carrying her back to the hospital!

Once I got to the hospital I put her in bed and called one of the nurses I told her what happened she rushed in the room and she came out seconds later looking really amused

I was biting the ends of my fingernails waiting patiently..

"Adam" I looked up at the nurse and nodded and she continued

"She fell asleep, it's nothing bad" she looked as though she was gonna burst out laughing any minute now

I wasn't embarrassed that I just made a complete fool out of myself I was more relieved to know that Sam was okay

For know anyway

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