My Ghost

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Maya's POV

I had to be dreaming. I couldn't really be seeing him, he's dead. Cam killed himself,

"Hello Maya." he said

"Cam?" I asked

"I'm here to take you on a little trip."

"Where are we going?" I asked

"You will see, come on." he got up and pulled me up with him

We walked down what seemed like a long, narrow hallway. we walked for what seemed like a while before I saw a door,

"Go ahead, open it." Cam said pushing me towards the door.

I went to the door and pushed it open.

When I entered I saw a nice big house.

I walked through the front door to see a late 20s, early 30 year old blonde woman with her back facing us.

I see a little girl with dirty blonde hair with big green eyes and glasses run in,

"Mommy?" the little girl asked

"Yes sweetie?" I saw the woman turn around and I noticed that it was me!

"When's daddy coming home?" the girl asked

"Soon Maddie soon." the little girl ran off

The older me tuned around to face the counter again.

Just then a man about the same age walked in and put his arms around the older me,

"Maddie's been waiting for you." The older me says

"Well I've been waiting to see you, I missed you." the man says

"I missed you to Miles." The older me turned around and kissed the man

"I married Miles! but we broke up!" I said to Cam

"You two got back together in junior year and dated all the way until the end of college when Miles proposed to you. you guys got married half a year later and within your first three months of marriage you got pregnant with your first child, Maddie, and 4 years later you got pregnant with your son Max. Maddie is 9 and Max is 5." Cam explained

"So I get a happy ending?" I asked hopefully

"In this case, yes. I'm going to show you one more." Cam says

Cam takes me to another setting.

This time it a run down, dirty, disgusting house. once again the older version of me walks into the scene although this time, instead of me wearing nice pants and a nice shirt with heels, I have on an old pear of Converse, they look like the ones I had in 9th grade, a flannel shirt and jeans. I look tired and unhappy.

Just then a little girl with black hair and dark, mean green eyes, unlike the ones my little girl had in the last setting, they where happy and filled with life.

"Hey mom?" the girl asked harshly

"What Gracie, what now?" I said rudely

"Gee you don't need to be mean, maybe I'll just tell daddy that you spent all day at his grave again!" the little girl said giving me an angry look

"No baby girl please don't tell your father, please!" the older version of me said

Just then the front door opened and slammed closed.

In came in older version if Zig,

He walked right up to the older version of me and said,

"I know you went and saw him today!" he said pointing his finger at me

"I didn't I swear!" I said as I backed up against the counter

"I know your lying to me, I know you went and saw him! god Maya why do you have to be so stupid? he's dead! If you wanted to be with him, you should have saved him! he was just a rich, spoiled rotten kid who had nothing better to do than to ruin everyone's lives! he was a damn jerk." Zig walked away

The older version of me walked up to him and said,

"Don't you dare talk about Miles that way! he was twice the man you are! at least he told me he would be there for me! if I would have saved him, we'd be married by now with a couple of kids and a house! we would have no problems! instead I'm stuck living in this hell hole with you and that monster of a daughter of ours! I know that you only married me because Grace told you no! I know that you named our daughter Gracie because your not over Grace! so what if I'm not over Miles?!"

He slapped me...hard.

I turned around to Cam and said,

"What was that?"

"Well you didn't do anything to stop Miles from killing himself so he did it and you where forced to marry Zig and you guys had a kid and she's only 7. you live in this house that's all warn down and you go see Miles everyday and Zig hits you because he's jealous that your not over him." Cam said

"I need to save Miles."

I shot up I'm bed with sweat running down my face and my hair stuck to my face. I knew then that I had to tell Miles about Cam...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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