Chapter Fourteen

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Kane pointed to the lounge area. "You two can just take a seat over there." Grinding his teeth together as he said each word. His face scrunched up in anger. Tom and Jenna both took a seat by the big fireplace in the center of the great room.

"We need to go talk to Mason, which means you get to see the cave."

"You have a cave?" Sage asked, having not the slightest idea of what he meant by that.

"Do you have, an underground room or something?"

"No," he chuckled. "It's just the basement. We all took our change differently. Mason grew to really liking his privacy. So, he moved all of his stuff to a small room in the basement. He hides down there to escape from the big bad world. I would say he lives through his computer, its where he gets his only human interaction."

Kane led them both through the hall and down the back stairwell. The basement was basically one giant laundry room. Which was actually good news for Sage.

Scanning around she also noticed a bunch of cleaning supplies. Various five-gallon buckets full of chemicals all lined up on the floor. Above that were shelves and shelves full of linens and boxes of small shampoos and hand soaps. They had so much stuff left over, she could start operations as soon as this place was cleaned.

This was awesome. In her head, all she could think about was the lodge. She was so eager to start work she hardly even remembered the real reason she was down here in the first place.

"Hey, this way," Kane said, breaking her from her thoughts. She pulled herself back into reality as she watched Kane turn down a narrow, dark hallway. It wasn't long, just a cold and damp hallway that led to a single door.

"Mason, we have a problem," Kane screamed while banging loudly on the door with his fist.

"Nah, fuck you man. I don't care what's going on. You can just go fuck off."

"Come on Mas, I'm sorry about before. But, right now we have a big problem that we need to deal with. I need you to open the door."

"This is just a bunch of bullshit," Mason yelled. He swung the door open and it went crashing into the wall with a loud bang.

Kane walked right in without any hesitation or any acknowledgment of the door that practically went through the wall.

Sage, on the other hand, peeked her head inside looking in both directions before she entered. It was a small room, just a bed, a nightstand and a dresser. Along with a computer and a desk, which Mason was sitting at. All the walls were painted completely black with no decoration of any sort. The carpet was even black. Sage now understood why Kane called it the cave. There was no light or color of any kind. Everything was just black.

"So, how the fuck did you screw everything up already?" Mason asked, without even taking his eyes off of the screen.

"I didn't fuck up shit. Okay, asshole. One of our guests supposedly freaked out when he found out that we're shifters. We need to find out who he is and how big of a threat he could possibly be."

Mason shot Kane an 'I told you so,' grin.

"See this is the risk you two will run opening this place up again. People don't like shifters. They hate us actually. Don't you two know anything? They have anti-shifter groups everywhere. They protest, they rally, hell they even have secret clubhouses where they plan attacks and shit. Where have you been living under a rock?"

Kane's face flushed a bright red, Sage could see the anger build as the pupils in his eyes dilated.

"No, I haven't been living under a rock. While you're down here on your stupid computer. I'm upstairs trying my best to make a little bit of money so you and I don't lose everything we have. At least I'm trying, what have you done for the lodge?"

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