Okay, bye...

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 "Hey, sleepy head." No, not again. "Maybe you should wake up. We have school, you know." It's Monday morning. The second week of this school year. I'm already done with school. "Ugh, Hailey! I told you. Stop coming to my house to wake me up, okay? It's annoying." I say when I try to get out of my bed. "Ouch, I have feelings too.", Hailey says. "I'm only here because your lazy ass doesn't want to wake up."

Hailey is my best friend. She has been since 4th grade. She's really pretty. Not that popular, but pretty as hell. There are a lot of boys who ask her number. They don't know Hailey; they just think she's 'hot'.

"Hurry up, bitch! We're going to be late!" she screams. Right now, I just want to sleep and dream the impossible. But no, Ms. Hailey has to make me go to school. She really cares about me. She's like a second mom, but of my age.

"Can you stop yelling? It's only 7 A.M." I say when I'm picking my outfit. "I'm sorry that I don't want to be late for school." she laughs. I'm running downstairs. I have my bag and I'm ready to go. "Wait, what about breakfast?" Hailey is pointing to the kitchen. I roll my eyes. "Are you serious? The past 15 minutes you have been screaming to my head that we're going to be late. Fuck breakfast. I'm not going to die, honey." "Ugh, whatever."

First class, math. God, I hate this class. I hate everything about it. Hailey has science right now. I'm all alone. I mean, I have friends. But we don't talk that much. So, I'm alone.

My phone:

Hailey: Holy shit! There is this guy in my class. He is hot as hell.
Me: Haha, slow down honey. Keep your hormones in your pants. What's his name?
Hailey: IDK.
Me: Well, go ask him.
Hailey: OMG! Are u stupid?! Ofc I'm not going to ask his name.
Me: Omg, don't be so weird. It's not like you're asking his dick size or something. 
Hailey: I am curious for it though. I bet it's really big. If so, he's perfect!
Me: Hailey, stop talking about his dick. Go ask his name.
Hailey: Maddie! He looked at me! WE HAD EYE CONTACT!
Me: Omg, stop acting like a freak. Just go talk to him.
Hailey: Omg, his eyes!
Me: Send me a picture.
Hailey: Maddie, I can't just take a damn picture of him!
Me: I want to see what he looks like!
Hailey: Ugh! If I get busted, I'm showing him this chat.

I'm looking at the picture. Damn. Hailey was right. He really is hot. But he has a cute thing too. His eyes. And his hair. God, I want science right now! 

Me: OMG! He is fucking hot!

Hailey: I know right! I'm gonna talk to him. 
Me: Good luck!
Hailey: Thnx! 

I'm waiting. I should pay attention to what the teacher is explaining, but I already know I'm going to fail. 


Hailey: OMG!
Me: What happened?!
Me: Omg. Why? What happened?
Hailey: I asked his name. It's Logan. Then I asked if he's new. Yes, he is. I asked where he's from. He's from Canada.
Me: Okay? What's the damn problem?
Hailey: We're talking a bit, it was kinda awkward. THEN HE JUST SAYS: "Can you stop talking? I'm not really in the mood." He just put on his headphones and continues with listening to music. 
Me: Wtf.
Hailey: He's all yours, honey! I don't want him anymore! He can suck my dick!
Me: Wtf, you don't have a dick...
Hailey: Ugh, whatever. It was a joke, you dumbass. 
Me: Oh, haha. 
Hailey: Omg, Ms. Cooper is going to kill me. Gotta go. Bye <3. 
Me: Bye <3

Ugh! Finally! I'm finally done with this class. I have to find Hailey. We have tea to spill. 
"Maddie!" That must be Hailey. She's standing by her locker. "What happened with the boy? How did it go so wrong so fast?" I ask. "Omg, I don't know! Maybe he's on his period." Hailey answers. I'm standing there, in the hallway. With my best friend. And I'm laughing. Everyone is staring at me. That's the point that I realize how loud I was laughing. And there he is. Logan is staring at me too. But he's not alone. He's standing next to his new friends, the football boys. "Do you think he plays football?"I ask. Hailey looks up from her phone. "You think I care? I'm not interested in anything he does." I keep staring at him. "But he's so cute. I mean, he even looks better in real life than in the picture." Hailey rolls with her eyes. "Maddie, believe me. These boys are cute. But in some way, the cute boys are either fuckboys or assholes. Some of them are even both. So, you don't want to talk to him." I keep staring at him. "No way!" "Omg, Hailey. Why are you yelling?" She looks at me with a 'you-are-busted-face'. "You have a crush on him, don't you?!" I start blushing. "Hailey, come on. I don't even know him." Her face is telling me she's not happy with the fact there is a chance I like him. "Maddie, be honest. You are interested in him." I look at him again. "I mean, he is cute. Admit it, Hailey. He's cute." "Maddie, if you're going to have a crush on him, remember what I'm going to say, okay?" I nod with my head. She continues: "He is going to hurt you. You can say what you want, but he's not boyfriend material. You can always try it. I 'm here for you if you get hurt. But don't have too much hope. He's not worth it." I don't know how to respond to this. I just say that I get it. "I have to go, but I'll speak to you later. Love you!" Hailey walks away. When I look back at the place where Logan and his friends were standing, I see they're gone. 

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