(Bayverse) Drift x reader Part 1

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A/N: You know what I might do more than 10 characters in this one-shot book. And if anyone what's a full book from either character in these one-shots let me know, and I will try to make happen.

Gender neutral reader


(C/N) = Cybertronian Name (Yourself)

(a/c) =armor color (You can but many colors in there)

(v/c) = vehicle of your choice (You can be any vehicle, it can be ground, it be sky, it's your choosing, not mine)

*Cue random scenario* (Holy scrap it worked.)

<(C/N) P.O.V>

Do you get the feeling of getting annoyed (but not much) at somebot you care about is just so calming when by being hunted down more than once now?

Well, I do. Drift...I don't know if I want to be annoyed by him or not. I mean sure he sometimes let's his anger out, but most of the time his calm and calactive.

I don't know how he does it.

Anyways I've been fidgeting with my (a/c) armor, thinking it would distract me from Drift.

"(C/N)! What are you doing standing over here?" Cade said/asked. I didn't even realize he was there until he spoke.

"Oh, sorry Cade, didn't see you there." I told him.

"(C/N) you usually don't stand around like that. Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"Yes, something has been bothering me lately, Cade. But, I don't wish to say what it is." I responded.

"Let me guess it's one of the bots, isn't?" He asked me. 'Scrap how did he know!? Well, he is Cade after all.' I thought.

"*sigh* Yes Cade it is one of them. And no, it is not Crosshairs, nor Hound. It's about Drift." I whisper that last part, while trying to neal to his level. "He didn't do anything wrong. I just don't know what to think about him." I continued.

"So, what your saying is. You don't know if you think of him as a friend or as a crush." He said. 'How is he so good at guessing!? I should really stop questioning on how he knows things.' I thought yet again.

"Yes Cade, I have been thinking of that. Heh, I don't even know how you even guessed that in the first place." I told him.

"Well, I know things, I raised a daughter. That's not what I came to get you for. All of us are doing a meeting, and everyone has to be there including you and the dino-bots. Even though they can't speak english." Cade said.

"A meeting about what Cade?" "I'll tell you when all of us are together" He responded.

What type of meeting is he going on about? I can't think of nothing but the lack of attention to order, pranks being pulled off, and almost getting offline on patrols.

Standing to my full height I follow Cade to the middle of the scrapyard. Where the meeting is suppose to be held at.

'Hopefully it's not important. Please do not be an important meeting.' I pleaded inside my processor. Because those meetings are long and boring.

"Lets start this off with the constant fighting going on between you." Cade starts off. 'Welp, there goes that plead for not being an important meeting.' I thought.

"What fightn'? There hasn't been one going on between us Cade." Hound stated.

"The fights that are more common are with Bumblebee and Crosshairs. And that bullsh*t needs to stop." Cade announced.

"I fully agree with Cade. The fights you two do are getting out of hand." I said with seriousness in my voice.

"You can't--stop things--from happening." Bumblebee said through his radio. "Right" was the only thing Crosshairs said while having his arms cross, not really caring on what's going on. 'What is wrong with these two?' I thought.

"Another thing we need to discuss." 'What now?' "All of you need to work together as a proper team." Cade said.

"Well, we would have worked better if (C/N)'s (v/c) mode wasn't slow." Crosshairs statement ticked me off. "My vehical mode is not slow Crosshairs. Just because you have speed boost, doesn't mean me that I'm slow." I said to Crossharis, trying to not get mad. I mean I use to have speed boost, until a fight happen and disabled it.

"Whatever helps you recharge." He only said.

"Okay, this is what I'm talking about. None of you can work together without fussing at each other. That is why I thought that all of you need to do some teambuilding with one another. First, your going to start as two or three groups, and then all of you come back and see how well you work as a full team." Cade announced.

"..." And just that everyone goes silent.


Didn't think that this was gonna take two parts to finish.

You gotta wait till a chapter are so. Hope your enjoying this though.

Transformers x cybertronian reader (ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now