(Bayverse) Rachet x reader

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(A/N): This Rachet needs more love, so this one is for all the fans of this version of Rachet.

Femme reader

~It's one-shot time for this mech~
(This one will be during the first movie.)

Narrator P.O.V

The autobot team has finally arrived on Earth, by crashing. By that I mean, Optimus Prime landing in a pool, Ironhide lands in a field, Jazz lands in a baseball stadium, and Rachet that is with his nurse assistant (C/N) lands in a populated area.

(I think I got Ironhide's and Jazz's crash areas right, or I mixed those two up.)

Rachet and (C/N) saw vehicles to blend in. Rachet of course transformed into a green shade ambulance. And (C/N), transformed into a (a/c - armor color) ambulance.

(You know, because your Rachet's assistant nurse.)

~Swicthing point of view time~

(C/N) P.O.V

Once me and Rachet transformed into vehicle mode, we drove to our destination point to meet up with the others.

When we got there, Optimus and Bumblebee were already there. There also a male and female human talking to Optimus, after he transformed into bot mode.

Of course I didn't pay attention until my name was mentioned. Well, that was until Optimus introduced Rachet.

'Oh my Primus...do not say anything that will make this uncomfortable for these humans Rachet.' I mentally said in my processer. Because I can smell hormones in the air that's coming from the male human, known as Sam.

"The boy's hormonel suggest he wants to mate with the human female." Rachet announced out loud.

After he said that the humans have an award aura around them. (Thanks a lot Rachet, you made them uncomfortable around us.)

"And this, is Rachet's assistant (C/N)." Optimus introduced me finally.

"Greetings humans, I am assistant nurse number 1-9-7-5, but you may call me (C/N) for short." I said my own greeting to them.

"So, are you like the only one that's a female in this group?" The human female asked.

I hesitated for a moment before responding. "First off, that was rude to asked. Second, there are more femme autobots out there. They are just in hiding, waiting for a message to come out of hiding." I said with a little bit of irritation in my voice, which made her back away from me.

After that little moment, Optimus started talking about Cybertron, then Sam's great great grandfather's glasses, and Megatron.

~ timeskip because I'm tired so, I'm going to be lazy. This is now in the battle at the end of the movie~

"Ironhide! Rachet! Protect Sam while he delivers the All-Spark!" I yelled at them over the battlefield, which is in some sort of city.

They both nodded their helms, and headed straight towards Sam. While I go and distract as much decpticons as I can.

Which worked well in my favor, until Megatron showed up. That was not fun. Now that I think about it, he took off with Jazz somewhere. I have to go find him.

When I was searching, I ran into Ironhide and Rachet. I told them that I was searching for Jazz. They had also said they were looking for him.

So, we searched. I spotted Jazz's servo. I ran to it, but I wasn't prepared for what I found.

I screamed out loud which alerted the two mechs. They quickly ran to my location.

Once they arrived, I was on my knees, trying to see if he had a pulse. But, he didn't.

I started to start crying because Jazz was my brother.

Rachet quickly came over to me and embraced me; so I could calm down. At this point, I was crying waterfalls, and mumble words that no one could understand.

"(C/N), please, calm down. I know that it's hard to lose someone close to you. But, you must calm down, so you won't go into stasis." Rachet said calmly and smoothly in my autosensors.

That calmed me down a little bit. When Rachet was trying to calm me down, Ironhide got the remains of Jazz and started to walk towards where the battle was.

At this point, the battle did end. And Rachet slowly got up, helping me up in the progress. We started walking behind Ironhide.

When we got there, it was a complete mess. My vision was blurry and my hearing wasn't clear. So, I couldn't understand what's going on at the moment.

All I remember was that Rachet was walking somewhere, following different color blurrs.

Whenever my senses came back online we were in a field type area with a tree. When I saw the others were in their vehicle mode, besides Rachet.

He was waiting for me to come to my senses. He said he wanted me to catch up on what happen.

After he told me that we're staying on Earth. I honestly didn't know what to think about it. Since, I am still down about my brother Jazz.

I ended up not saying anything and transformed into vehicle mode, Rachet following along.

We ended up talking for a little bit, until I fell into recharge.

'What would I ever do without you Rachet?' I question him quietly before into deep recharge.

Unknown to me, Rachet actually heard me. He just chuckled slightly, and quietly responded back 'I honestly don't know what you would do without me (C/N). Have a good recharge, my lovely assistant.'


The end. I'm tired so I rushed myself to finish this.

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