A Class At Last

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   Few can imagine my astonishment when it came to my attention that this remarkable bloke (viz. Marcus Bentley Cooper) was a member of my very class {viz. my English class [A Comprehensive Analysis of the works of D.H. Lawrence], social class was still up in the air}. Incidentally, this was the same time I began using braces as the first tier parentheses because of their superiority in aesthetics {my opinion being aesthetic ranking is the only truly universal ranking}, and upon canvassing Marcus' opinion I was {naturally} treated to a lengthy discussion on the topic of cultural differences in aesthetic taste across continents. {a topic on which he had apparently an 'extensive knowledge base'}. Then, class could begin. I opened class with a short discussion of the sociological concept that when people have an unusual opinion on a certain topic they create more opportunities for that topic appear. {unfortunately, I didn't have any 'personable' examples to share, shame} and then parleyed that into a discussion of Lawrence. Marcus was <i>very<\i> 'opinionated' on Lawrence's methods of invisible prose. {(for the dotards) invisible prose is thus:                                        } and I must say I was changed that day {as I am every day by this extraordinary specimen of a human being (not even of a human being, simply of being [What class!])} At the end of the class period he approached me and gave such sumptuous closure to the wonderful experience as I didn't think could be attained by any mortal soul.

   'Nice class.'

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