Chrysa's B-Day "Party"

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Flary's POV

- Today's Chrysa's birthday! Haru-Kun, did you get the present? -I asked to the lazy blond next to me- Yeah... -I was furious with him, since my birthday he is living in MY sofa- Don't "Yeah..." Me! Get your butt out of my sofa you lazy dog!- I pointed at his face while he was chewing some of MY chewing gum- But I don't wanna~ -THAT'S IT! I want to kick him so bad! But he's my best friend after all.- J-just... ARGH! - I walked away annoyed clenching my fists as I heard him mumble something, witch I obviously decided to ignore.

•Time Skip•

- Guys! You're here! Come on in! We were waiting for you to! -Wings welcomed Haru-Kun and me as everyone gathered at the stairs waiting for Chrysa to appear- Chrysa! Come'ere you little donkey! -She ran down the stairs and decided to show up by making a fabulous pose, in other words, she fell and hit her head hard with the ground and since we are the best friends anyone could ask for, we started laughing until we began to cry.

- You wouldn't be laughing if you were me -Chrysa said while making an angry yet cute face- Oh dear, we know, that's why we are laughing, because we aren't you -Kizami said pating her shoulder- You meanies! What did you do to my kawaii imouto?! ANSWER ME KASTARD! -Yuki popped from nowhere and started shouting at Kurosaki's friend, having enemies un the same room isn't the brightest idea but since Chrysa doesn't mind, I don't mind either.

Inumaru's POV

Holy cheese with bacon, how difficult can it be for me to stop having naughty thoughts about my best friend?! She's too hot for me and having that body all around me wakes my pervert instinct, why didn't I have an ugly yet charming MALE friend instead?! Why do I have to keep thinking about my FEMALE friend, who sleeps next to me everynight?!

- Well guys, since all of you are here, we will start -Chrys said with an evil smirk that sent shivers through my spine. Wig locked the main door and the windows, and then she put on the curtains, I'm starting to suspect a lot more than before- We will play a game! -Wings said with a devilish grin, I saw a baby-face lift one of his hands up- Wh-what game is it?- Please PLEASE not the bottle NOT THE BOTTLE!

Morishige's POV

Anything but truth or dare! I don't wanna use a dress again!

Kurosaki's POV

Oh! Are we gonna use the PlayStation 4 Chrysa got from her parents? I wanna join!

Kizami's POV

Please, please be a cosplay game so I can see the girls in maid and bunny outfits! But definetly not that snowy monster

Yoshiki's POV

What are we gonna play man, 7 minutes in heaven?! I can't play that, what if I'm with a guy like Kizami?! He is the craziest perverted dude I've met

Satoshi's POV

Why does nobody talk?! I'm scared and lost in this dark room, maybe if I could find something to grab.... Oh! What's this? It's so fluffy, like cute pillows~ squish squish little pillows~- GYAH!!! GET OFF ME YOU SICK PERVERTED SON OF A FEMALE DOG! -Flary shouted when I squished the pillows, which make me squish again 'cause I'M SCARED! But why did she... Wait, she said "sick perverted"- These are not pillows, are they? -I asked in a lower voice and then sensed a blond breathing in my neck- Mochida... You.... Are.... DEAD! -Chrysa turned on the lights as Inumaru's furious face was revealed.- You were right onee-san, Satoshi grabbed someone, and that someone is Flary!- I could finally see what I was grabing and it was.....- O-O-O-OPAI?! -

Flary's POV

Satoshi is SO dead after doing me this, but what's with the girls face?! that a crown they are holding?- Flary, you are now the Harem Queen! Congrats! -.- HAREM WHAT?! Hell no I'm gonna be that, why not Chrysa?! It's her birthday! -I pointed at her and then at Wings- It's because I wanted to see a RomCom, not experience that, you silly potato -Chrysa said while laughing. They put the crown in my head and gave me a... Bikini?!- NO WAY IN HELL I'M GONNA WEAR THIS MICRO-UNDERWEAR! -I shouted completely embarrased- It's not micro-underwear, it's a mini-micro-bikini! -Yuki said happily. I swear I'm gonna kill somebody.

-Oh, and if you don't entretain me, Korosu teiaru~ -Chrysa said in a devillish tone as Wings swinged a gun with a phsycotic grin- Are you ready, little puppies? -I shivered when I saw Yoshiki trying to escape and as Wings was about to release the bullet to hit his head, the doorbell rang and everyone freaked out.

Kitty-chan's POV

Geez! Why did it started raining out of nowhere?! Stupid forecast, duck you...

I rang the bell hoping for someone to open because since it was dark I wasn't sure there would be someone, but since I heard «terrified» voices, someone MUST answer the door!- I'm coming... -A girl with a party hat open es the door trying to hide the... G-GUN?!- THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH A G-HMPRF! -She covered my mouth as I started to shout and then throw me inside the house

- Well, since we have another girl, she will be the narrator, here yo have your microphone and some ridiculous outfit~ -She handed me OVER a top that nearly covered my chest and a mini-skirt, both were light blue with electric blue lines. I like it but it's the smallest... Nevermind, that mini-micro-bikini is the smallest piece of cloth I saw.- I'm sorry, I gotta go home ya' know? -I said to the cray-cray girl, her facial expresion changed drastically from a happy one to a dead serious- Did I say you could choose? If you don't follow the rules -A brunnette appeared from nowhere to continúe the sentence- Korosu teiaru -She will kill me?! Oh god, please tell me this is a nightmare- Kitty-chan -God is that you?!- No, you are thinking outloud, and you can think this is a nightmare, a Living Nightmare -.

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