Chapter 1

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I woke up with a jolt as I felt two large hands grip my shoulders, and throw me off my bed with so much force that I slid almost across my room. "If you don't get up and clean the house like I told you I swear you'll regret it!"

I dragged my red converse on the sidewalk, pushed the slightly big glasses up the bridge of my nose, and ran a hand through my brown-curly hair with a sigh passing my lips. I gripped the thin straps of my backpack bracing myself as I approached my school, Springer High. "Another day in paradise" I mumbled to myself quoting our school motto.

The school wasn't bad, not a bit, but some of the student's on the other hand not so much. Sometimes I think of it as a public juvie than a high school. I chuckled at the thought and pushed pass the crowd of students in the hallway to my locker. I did my combination, put my backpack inside, and grabbed a pencil along with my favorite book, Lord Of The Flies. Just as I was about to make my way to the stairs I heard Him. "Oh Julie-Ann~."

That voice, one I've grown to hate and love at the same time, belonged to Romeo Frost. "It's Julian not 'Julie-Ann' dip shit." I replied turning around with a scowl on my face. I was greeted with a glare that could've killed me where I stood, which didn't settle with my stomach. I stepped back cautiously as he marched over the little distance we had up to me, glare all the way.

"Call me "dip shit" one more time and I promise you it will be the last time anyone ever hears your fucking voice." He said with such venom in his voice I genuinely feared for my life. I look into his icy blue eyes as he stared into my brown ones before nodding my head and looking away. I flicked my eyes from his black Adidas to the blue tiled hallway floor, praying that he'd soon walk away before the rest of his posse found us and , surprisingly, he flicked my forehead then walked away.

Once I knew he was out of ear shot, which I had to figure out the hard way, I sighed in relief before almost screaming when a hand placed themselves on my left shoulder. I was suddenly whirled around, leaving me slightly dizzy, meeting a wide eyed Mia. "Holy sh-You didn't get beaten to a pulp this time Liam!" she exclaimed as if she just found the Holy grail. "Chill Mia, it's not that extraordinary-" I started saying before getting interupted with "Bullshit Liam! Of course I'm gonna' freak out about this because it's not everyday your crush/bully doesn't ya' know, bully you!"

I felt my cheeks instantly heat up and hurriedly shushed her."Mia, keep your voice down before someone hears you!" I only heared a chuckle in response to me trying to save my sorry ass from embarrassment. The two minute bell rang and only one thought coursed through my head, Mia must've had the same thought because we soon busted into a full on sprint towards our first class.

We, somehow, managed to make it to class before the bell rang and found our seats. I walked over to my desk, the farthest one from the front, and sat down awkwardly beside Ben. Ben was Romeo's 'right hand man' and has lately been watching me whenever he sees me. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind if Romeo did it instead of this green eyed, freckle looking, English muffin- "Julian Kingston, are you listening or are you to busy making goo-goo eyes with the floor?"

My head snapped up, face burning, and muttered a small "Y-yes sir- I mean n-no sir..?" I heard people snicker around me, I glanced up and met Mia's brown eyes filled with concern. I rolled my eyes and started writing down whatever was on the board down in my notebook until the two minute bell rang, signaling that we're about to head to our next period.

I glance up for only a second when that English muffin is staring, again, at me, to which I groan in annoyance. I face him, giving him a small glare, just to ward him off and that smug bastard just grins at me in response. Not the usual type of grin no- it was a shit eating type of grin that would get you in trouble. I felt my face pale, my hands sweat, and as soon as the bell went off, I busted out of there. I didn't want to know why he does what he does but I wasn't willing to find out.

Lunch couldn't come any sooner and I soon found myself in the library with Mia. "Ben is a serious creep Liam, want me to beat him up?" Mia suggests with a scary smile. "What-!? N-no Mia violence isn't the answer!!" I exclaimed, quite loudly, and got "Shh's" in response from random people around us. Muttering a small "sorry", we went over our notes, did some homework, and just enjoyed ourselves, not aware of the two people listening to us.

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