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Blue-diamond pov

What is life there's so much definition of life the internet says the existence of an individual human being but for me it's nothing it's like the dream that you have which won't come through but you still have that one dream that you work your whole life to accomplish.

While that's not my story because I have whole list of dream that I am going to accomplish before I leave this earth.
Oh before get to my life my name is blue-diamond but people call me blue for many reasons like :
- because I love the color blue
-  one time I colored my hair blue
- most of all because of my name

I was diagnose with cancer when I was nine years old imaging waking up because you started splitting blood and hurried to the hospital and after some test finding out you have cancer
At nine years old will I went through that and from a young age I started this list that I said I will accomplish before I die so let get started.

"Hello blue are you listening"
Sarah said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh what did you say I did not hear you"

"I was telling you if you hear about the the new student coming to our school" she said

"And how is that important is he a type of food that has the best tast of all food even ice cream" I said

She look me in the eyes and say

"so why would I care but no I did not know. Who would want to come to this school"

She smirk  at me and say "well it seem that his parents are starting business in town and your going to love one of their store"

"And what is that " i said

She look me in the eyes and say the three word that make a smile come across my face "ICE CREAM STORE"

"Oh while it seem i have a new best friend" i joke with her

As those words left my mouth a car drived into the school and every one in the school look but i did not really care so i continue talking sarah stop talking and was looking at who so ever was in the car but i was geting bored so i walk away thinking that  she would see and run up to me and start talking but she did not so i look at what ever one was looking at and that is where i saw him the first boy to make my heart beat fast.

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤

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