The final countdown

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*next morning*
I woke up and i held onto asher. This would be the last night we slept in each others arms. He had to head back to texas and the band and i would be on our way to Jersey. I wanted to cry. I love asher and i don't want to leave his side. We may have only started dating a few days ago but i already want to marry him.

I got up and took my shower. I cried in the warm water to the warm tries running down my face. I could guess that everyone was still asleep because none of them were walking up and down the hallways to get coffee and i didn't hear anyone saying my name. I turned off the water and did my morning routine but didn't do my makeup

"Babe...i miss you already" i whisper as i watched him sleep. Whenever i saw it in the movies it looked creepy but now i understand why people find it so romantic.

(Outfit at the top)

I wanted to look really punk for today. I added a backpack to the outfit and did my makeup with a dark, "almost black" red lipstick. When i went out to the kitchen i noticed that everyone was up and almost dressed. Mazi has been acting distant for awhile now. I guess it was because she found love. That's what happens when you find love. You leave your friends for your love. Levi has also been distant. He doesn't hug me anymore. On a daily basis he gave me a hug. Now he doesn't.

"Hey Baby Girl." Ashes said in a upbeat tone

I smiled at him. If i lost Mazi and Levi, i always had Asher. The love of my life. My end game.

"Morning Ashes." i replied acting like nothing was wrong.

I made my pink drink and went to the car waiting for us outside. Everyone got in and sat next to their lovers. Asher sat up front giving directions to Riverbend. I put my earbuds and shuffled my playlist. The Only Exception by Paramore starts playing.

*Mazikeen POV*
Ever since Levi and I shared that night we haven't left each others sides. Freya doesn't seem to care about it finally so that's great and Duke hasn't called me in almost three days. Maybe he finally gave up trying to talk to me, a part of me hopes that's the case. It's not that I don't like him, it's just it's hard to talk to him so I avoid it. But I need to grow up and move past it, when he calls me nothing else will be important.

"Hey darling, Do you want coffee?" Levi asks as he kisses my neck.

Levi gets up and puts his shorts on, smiles at me, and walks downstairs. These few days have been amazing, everything is going perfectly. Levi and I are happy, Freya and Ash are together and happy, and our band is doing great. I don't think anything could really ruin this feeling that we all have. I stand up and throw Levi's shirt on and walk to the bathroom.

***Levi's POV***

Ever since that night at the bar my life has been ten times better. I'm so glad that I finally grew a pair and just made a move.. I knew that there would be risks but you always have to risk something for love. We never really confirmed anything after that night, we just started to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. I think we have both wanted this for a long time. I grab a two mugs from the cupboard and make some coffee. I pour the coffee in the mugs and walk them upstairs and then hand Mazi her cup.

***Mazikeen POV***

I smile and grab my mug from his hand.

"Thank you., Darling."
"Anytime, Beautiful."

He puts down his mug next to the bed, jumps in, and pulls my body close to his. He put his hand on the side of my face and kisses me.

"I never want to let go of you, Mazi."
"I never want you to let go of me."

*Freya's POV*
When we showed up to Riverbend. Only staff and performers were walking around. What i love about Alternative is the people help out and set up each others tents. Waterparks and Black Veil Brides help out our band almost everyday then we help help them set up the tents. It really helps us out.

"Hey little sis!" i hear Awsten say in the distance.

"Hey broski." i reply hugging him

"What happened to you on Monday? You went MIA for a few days."

"I needed some time for myself. It was really needed and i'm happy i did it."

"Okay as long as you're okay."

With that i felt a tall presents behind me. I turned around and saw Andrew Biersack giving me a polite wave then going to grab our merch and tent out of the trailer. Ashley, Otto, Geoff, Jinxx, Jake, CC and Awsten followed behind him. Since he's so tall it's hard to lose him whenever we need to follow him.

Asher looked upset when i saw him. Ashley was holding on to me as we went to our busses. Ashley has been clingy since i met him. He always likes to be by my side 24/7. I don't have a problem with it but Asher might and that is enough to make me upset

"Hey ashley can i talk to you alone." i ask politely
"Sure" he responded kindly.
"I have a boyfriend and he looked at me sadly when you were holding me on our way to the trailers. If you could can you not be that way as much. For both of our sakes."

He waited a minute to let my words sink in so he could respond, "Sure. I really like Asher he's awesome. Plus I'm dating Andy hard feelings." he laughed lightly. I walked towards Asher and hugged his side then laid my head on his shoulder. I just love him so much. We set up our tents and went our separate ways.

*Time skip*
From the distance, I saw my best friends from our headlining tour. I spent every day with them. The Haunt. Nat, Anastasia, Max, and Nick. Mazi is like in love with Nick. I had to say. It was crazy.
We all hugged and said our hellos. It had been months, possibly a year. It felt good to be back to music and my normal lifestyle. This was our last show and I'm upset.

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