Chapter I

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(Artwork is by the lovely Revenov on Deviantart! Thanks to her for allowing me to use it!)

A cold breeze ruffled your (h\c) hair as you turned the corner. The now intensified wind blowing completely in your direction, freezing you down to the bone. And as you tried to ignore the chilly winds, you found yourself folding your arms against your chest. That's what you get for forgetting your winter coat on such a frigid morning. 

But since you're already leaving to go to the local café later than usual, you don't wanna push the limit even further by walking back the 5 minutes and getting your coat. After all, your coworker should be at the coffee shop to carpool in mere minutes. Not wanting to annoy him by being super late, you broke into a run. 

The cold air penetrated the warmth of your (f\c) sweater even more with the sudden change of movement. But, after around 8 minutes, you finally arrived at the café and went inside to be greeted by the warm heating and pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee. You were panting and probably looked silly to most who looked at you, but unlike you in your post run state, there's a person in this café who doesn't look silly in the slightest. 

Standing in line in front of you is a tall man, no less than 6'3", dressed in a nicely fitted blue business suit. You can't help but eye him up slightly, biting your lip softly. But, your focus on this new character is quickly snatched away when the line moves forward. It's his turn to order. 

"Ah, yes. Good morning, Catherine." His voice spoke. It's deep and distinct as it surrounds the air. He seems so calm that it washes a similar calm vibe over you in return. "May I have the usual?" He asked, then the cashier let out an audible "Mmhm!". Her cheery voice took you by surprise. Well, isn't someone being friendly? 

"So, Sir. That'd be a medium cup of coffee to go with milk and a pinch of extra sugar?" She asked and he nodded his head, running a hand through his hair. "Yes, that'd be correct, Miss." He replied, then pulled a debit card from his wallet, paying for his drink swiftly. It's clear he's done this many times before. "Thank you for your purchase, Mr. Smith! I will call your name when it's finished." Catherine, the cashier, spoke before passing on the word to the baristas. "I appreciate that." He replied, his voice smoother than before as he walked to the side. But as you walked forward in line to order next, you turned to see him as he walked to the nearby wall, turning around and making eye contact with you. His beautiful gray eyes shine thanks to the light fixture above him, and they're further complimented by his suit. As soon as he notices you looking at him, he smirks, his smile charming and bright as he waves his hand in a friendly manner. Being kind, you exchange a kind smile in return, then walk to the counter and turn your attention to Catherine. 

"Good Morning! May I have (f\d) and two blueberry scones?" You asked, then she smiled and punched in the information. "Of course! That'll be $7.27." She spoke in response. After pulling your wallet from your bag, you slid out a $10 bill and handed it to her. "You can keep the change. I know it's not much, but hopefully you don't mind." You replied and her hazel eyes sparkled. "No, no. Thank you, ma'am! I'll have this made in a jiffy. Just go stand by Mr. Smith over there for a bit and we'll have your things ready within the next few minutes." She spoke cheerily. Taking this as your time to depart from the counter, you tucked your wallet back into your bag before shuffling over to the tall man leaning against the wall.

Seeing him closer revealed his hair is brushed above his forehead into a neat brown quiff that has flecks of gray in it. He also has a widow's peak, a rather straight and narrow nose, nice lips, and a 5'oclock shadow. He once again made eye-contact, smiling. You returned the gesture as you turned and leaned against the wall beside him. 

But, before either of you could say anything, your phone suddenly buzzed in your pocket and you swiftly pulled it out. Your coworker wrote you? Oh, no that's not a good sign. He never texts you. 

"Old Spice Is Very Nice?" Mr. Smith x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now