Chapter II

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After the long day had ended, you hitched a ride home with another coworker and once you made it home, you quickly got ready. During your lunch break, you and Mr. Smith had made the plans for the date. Have dinner at a restaurant, then get ice cream at a local ice cream parlor. Nothing too big, but it's big enough to be exciting. Though, you will admit Dan's words have stuck in your head like a sand spur sticks to clothing. It's always there, lingering in the back of your mind and that worries you. 

But the thoughts lessened as you got dressed up. You made sure to look cute in a loose brown sweater that rests against your lower shoulder, leaving your shoulders exposed. You also put on a pair of black leggings and some heeled brown boots whose laces had been neatly tied in a square knot. And, to finish off the look, you put on a gold choker necklace with a feather pendent on it, oh, and your winter coat as well just in case it gets extremely cold tonight. 

It's now just 10 minutes until he said he'd pick you up and your heart is beating a hundred miles an hour out of pure excitement. You finish up getting ready and make your (h/c) hair pretty before grabbing your stuff and waiting outside for him. Within 2 minutes, his car pulls up and he quickly gets out, running around his car to open the door for you. Once he had succeeded at his goal, he smiled politely, waving in greeting. "Good evening, (Y/N)! Might I say, you look absolutely marvelous!" He complimented you and you blushed as you looked over to him. You approached him and smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Noah. I can very much say the same about you!" You responded as you observed the outfit he'd chosen for your date night. 

The tall man is dressed in a black pair of slacks with a black leather belt fastening them around his waist, a white button-up shirt, a black tie, a nice unbuttoned black trench coat, and a pair of black dress shoes. He definitely dressed very nice for you. You don't know if that's a good sign, or a bad one. 

He seemed taken aback by you using his first name, but it doesn't feel right calling him "Mr. Smith" whilst on a romantic date. It makes him sound like your boss or something, and to be frank, that's weird. But thankfully, he didn't correct you and just kept smiling. "Thank you, (Y/N)!" He spoke gratefully and you dipped your head. "There's no need to thank me." You replied, then sat in his car and after checking none of your extremities were in the path of the door, he shut it gently, then jogged around the car once again. He opened his door, then slid in his seat before shutting it yet again. He speedily buckled his seatbelt, made sure you had yours on, then put his car in drive and drove out to the parking lot. And once you were on the road, you watched your home as it faded into the distance. Hopefully tonight will go well and not terribly like Dan expects it to be. 

The restaurant that was chosen for the date is a good 15 minutes away from your house, so the drive's been a bit awkward and slow at times, but there have been some interesting conversations discussed already. In fact, he seems to love your tales of home. Whenever you mention one, his eyes light up and his smile widens. It's absolutely precious. 

About 5 minutes away from the restaurant, suddenly your phone buzzed in your coat pocket, and not wanting to be rude, you ignored it and stayed engulfed in the conversation. But, within seconds it buzzed three more times, making you sigh in annoyance. "Sorry, Noah. One moment." You spoke gently, then pulled your phone from your pocket, looking at the screen. Four texts from Dan, big surprise. 

"Hey, (Y/N). I know this sounds weird, but what restaurant are you dining at?" 

"Hell, I'll be straight with you. I want to dine there just in case things go South." 

"I promise I won't intervene unless he hurts you somehow."

"Anyway, please just let me know. I don't want him to hurt you! I care for you too much for that jerk to convince you of love, have a good night and then disappear the next day."

"Old Spice Is Very Nice?" Mr. Smith x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now