the paper

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                                          The the Difference of a Adolescent

   Each person is made up a thousand little moments, and memories that over time culminate into a modern day person. The most un liked, unfit, menace on society is those who heroically trudge through the halls of a high school. They go through the same milestones in life that adults look back on with fondness. There annoying, and hurtful people with pimples faces. Riddle with craters, and souls filled with extraordinary stories. These are teenagers.

    The fraze, “average teenager” is like an oxymoron. Every single teen walks with untold horrors hidden underneath layers of rough and tumble skin. Unlike the way in which we believe man can do anything the average teenager struggles with the stress of the weight of people always beating them down, with mounds and mounds of hurtful words. intricately woven plans drawn out like a blade about to stuff itself into any person who dared to stand beren and unguarded. These days the average teen has to worry about the temptation of following a crowd they don't believe in. They seem to live in alabaster houses places that once felt like palaces but now looked at through tattered eyes and weathered lenzes they find out first hand that this place is not what they prayed for. Thats how were exactly the same. Since the day i was born i bore the weight that seems to plague a nation constant temptation to take the easy way out, to give up and supply another greeting card to the recently departed. A note I spend time writing every day. little pricks on my fingers help place the letters so carefully created. me and everyone else feels the beating of blackened hearts against pale skin, withered bodies mimic their soles. We feel beaten and abused even though the only force anyone seemed to use on us was not caring at all. Its not just autumn leaves and dead corpse trees that seemed to anchor me to the others my age. NO! Its the way every emotion seems to exaggerate themselves. Everyone my age when they're left alone swears they trudged through a swamp barren of life cold and scared to an unfamiliar horizon filled with a deep green haze. Lit only by the light of their own burning desire for companionship. Or the way when we seem to laugh it feels like being catered to by a thousand comedians way too happy to be explained in a simple lol. Friends seem to smile wider, sweet smells seem to linger a little longer, the stars seem to shine a bit brighter. But all in the same moment words are all that harsher. We all seem to choke on words that won't escape from our mouths because fear of being casted out of our beloved, comfortable social groups, loves to rear its disgusting head and slap at our security. Me im just like everyone else looking for an identity that seems more elusive every day. Thats where i start to set myself apart thats where i let my literary skills shine, and i try to rhyme fast and hard out the windows of slow moving cars. Shouting for peoples ears, i want them to hear what i have to say. Im no longer scared to be the first guy to speak his mind. I let my opinions hang out like best friends who just so happen to be the nerdiest kids on the block.  i like to sit and take in the beauty around me. The way the night sky seems to be so far away and yet surround me,and i like to take time to sit there and cry over every person who truly believes there worthless. I love to bring them close to me and sew together there emotions and conjure up little joy potions mainly comprised of compliments. I do this because I seem to find them constantly in my back pocket, and right around the corner. so ill screech and holler at them to follow. every moment I try to swell people with a little smile. I comprise words on a tiny glowing screen that should be re created into massive monuments to those departed who lost a war they didn't want to have to fight. Slits on their wrist tend to make me sick. I'm The guy who loves to love everyone around him, even if theres no return on emotional investments.i feel comfortable in the place where i find myself slapping the faces of despair. I speak soft then grow with intensity having a propensity to stare into the teeth of an awkward situation and shrug it off and scoff, because those are just strangers i have yet to meet . I this person who felt pain every day then died and was reborn in the eyes of God. No longer looking for a home or bestfriend, because it didn't take me to the end of a decent to rock bottom to figure out, my savior was all i needed to stand out and be free of this hippocratic tendency teens seem to constantly guzzle from the sewage pipe they often call mouths. the belief that they are an unsupported being yet constantly crying for help.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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