Chapter 1 (contains spanking)

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"What will it be Zachary?" The pudgy judge asked. "I'll take the big brother thingy." I replied in monotone. "Very well then." Two years with Cassi, a 16 year old. You MUST provide for her." The judge said sternly. "Yes sir judge butt." I replied. (That's my towns judge no kidding!) "on your way to the orphanage then." He said. I nodded and walked out. At least I got a 16 year old instead of a 5 year old. When I got there a teen with long brunette hair opened the door. "I'm looking for Cassi?" I said but it came out as a question. She nodded. "I'm Cassi." She spoke in a small scared voice. "Okay well let's get you packed up yeah?" I asked. She held up a Walmart bag signaling that she was packed. "That's it?" I asked shocked. She nodded. "You ready then?" I asked. She shrugged. I kneeled down to her level. "I won't hurt you. You don't have to be scared." I said then stood up. She nodded. I rolled my eyes. Fuckin hell. This is gonna take some work. "Let's go home yeah?" I asked. She nodded again. "Use your words." I got stern. "O-okay" she whispered. "There ya go." I said and ruffled her hair. That's gotta be a step in the right direction right? I hope so...I took her bag from her and she got scared all over again. "Cassi I'm just taking your bag." I explained. She nodded. She started to get in the back seat. "Sit up here Cassi." I told her. My guess she wants to be as far from me as possible. "No it's okay." She said quickly. "I didn't ask now did I?" i asked. Her eyes widened. "Don't hit me I'm sorry." She said scrambling to get out of the back seat of my car. "Hit you? Why on earth would I hit you?" I asked. "Toby said you were gonna go to jail if you didn't do this. He said you would hit me." she cried. "Yes I would have gone to jail but not for being violent I'm not going to hit you." I sighed rubbing my forehead. "Did I make you mad already?" she asked. "No I'm not mad." I sighed. Why on earth would they give me a girl who is scared of everything? "You seem mad." she said. "I'm not mad Cassi." I said starting the car. "Oh." she said. "Put on your seatbelt please." I told her. "You don't have yours on." she pointed out. "That doesn't matter I told you to put yours on." I told her again. "I will when you do." She sassed. "it doesn't matter what I do I told you to put your seatbelt on now please do it." Now I was getting mad. "Doesn't make sense that I have to but you don't." she declared. "Cassi put it on. Now." I ordered. "No." She told me. How did she go from scared as fuck to telling me no?! "Do I need to pull over and do it for you?" I asked. "Why?" She asked. "Cause you're acting like you're 4 and 4 year olds can't do things like that on their own." I explained. "Dick move." She said. Sweet baby Jesus. "Watch your mouth." I told her. "No." She said relaxing in her seat. I pulled over. "Either you put on your seatbelt or we get out I embarrass the living shit out of you and then you do it. Your choice." I said one eyebrow raised. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. I grabbed the turned off the car grabbed the keys walked over to her side of the car and yanked her out of her seat. She was screaming and kicking. "You're just making this more amusing for the public Cassi." I informed her. "Now, what should I do." I asked myself sitting her on top of my mustang. "Let me go back into the car cause it's cold and I don't have a jacket." She pouted. "If I knew you'd stay here I'd get you a jacket." I said "I'll stay." She said. "Promise?" I asked. "Yes I promise!" She said. "Wanna know what I do to girls who promise things but don't don't keep them?" I asked. "What?" she asked. "I never let them borrow anything of mine ever again." I said and jogged toward the door. I brought her my leather gang jacket. "What's this?" she asked. It was my gang symbol but I can't tell her that! "Something in Japanese." I declared. "Oh." She said. "Yeah." I scratched the back of my neck. This is pointless. What I should do is spank her just wait till we get home and spank her cause she thinks she can do whatever she wants. "Get back in the car. Put on the seatbelt." I said. She laughed. "No." She repeated. Looks like I'm gonna have to spank her. "Cassi if you don't put on your seatbelt you won't like what's coming to you when we get home." I told her. "Whatever." She sassed. Fuckkkkkkkkk. "This is where you live?" she asked as we pulled up to my house. "It's where you live too." She looked over to me with a smile. "I've never lived in a house that wasn't an orphanage before. "Holy fuck." I said. "Thought I couldn't cuss?" she asked. "You can't." I said. "Seriously? you're so strict!" I pouted. "Get over it." I told her. "Zac!" she whined. "Cassi!" I mocked. "Not funny." She frowned. "Yeah it is." I laughed. "Besides that it's time to deal with you disobeying me." I changed the subject. "How do you suppose you do that?" she giggled. "Follow me." I told her walking toward my room. Fuck. This is gonna be awkward. Do I spank her with something so she isn't scared of my hand? Nah she'll be fine. I hope. My hand will hurt a lot less anyways. Once we got to my room I walked in first and closed the door after her I know we're the only two in the house but it still gives me a sense of closure anyways I don't know I'm weird I guess. I sat on the bed. "Why are we in here?" she asked. "To teach you a lesson. You knew you were being bad in the car." I told her. "Okay, and?" she asked. "And I'm going to spank you for it." I said with confidence. "What's that?" she asked. She doesn't know what that is? "come lay over my lap." I ordered. "Why?" I asked. "Just do it. You're in no position to be disobeying me Cassi." I informed her. "Yes sir." She gulped. Something tells me she really does know what spanking is. She laid herself over my lap and gripped onto my leg. "You'll be fine." I said rubbing her back. "What's gonna happen?" she asked. Okay maybe she really didn't know what a spanking was. I landed a smack. "Just like that." I told her. "That's it I'm done?" she asked. "No. 19 more of those and you will be." I told her. "That's gonna hurt!" she said scared again. "It's supposed to, but it'll only hurt for a little bit." I told her. "Okay." She sighed. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Zac please it hurts." SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Zac!" she cried. "Halfway there." I consoled. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Zac please I want you to stop it please!" she cried. "Five more Cassi you can do it." SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. "It's done it's over with Cassi." I said picking her up off of my lap. "Sorry." She cried. "It's okay." I told her not sure what else to say. "Hurts." she cried. "I know it hurts. That's why you don't disobey me alright?" I asked. She nodded. "Words Cassi." I told her. "Yes sir." She sniffled. " "Good girl. Told you it wouldn't hurt for long." I smiled. "Still hurts." She said. "But not as badly." I said. She shrugged. I almost bothered with the words thing again but decided against it. She wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my torso she snuggled her face into my chest as well. This is weird. So very weird. I awkwardly. Put my arms around her body. Then it hit me. She's never had discipline ever before I'm the only one that's ever cared enough to give her a simple spanking. "It's late. You should be in bed." I said after a while. "Okay." She said. I sighed out of relief. "I'll show you your room." I said letting go of her body. She unwrapped herself from me and stood up. I stood up and walked out of my room. Why is having her here is awkward? I walked into her room with her I already had a bed made up for her. "We'll go shopping soon." I said scratching the back of my neck. "It's kinda dull in here sorry about that." I felt bad it looked pretty unorganized and for being the gangs financial and organizer person that's pretty bad. "I'm just glad I have a place to sleep." She replied sleepily. I bit my lip. How bad has this child's life been? "Goodnight Cassi. If you need me come get me okay?" I questioned. "Okay." She smiled. I moved some hair away from her face, stood up and walked out leaving her door cracked.

I had gang shit I had to do before I could go to bed so I got busy. 1:30. I heard Cassi scream. Fffuuuucccckkkk. I ran into her room. She's still asleep. Ffffffuuuuuccccckkkkkk. "Cassi." I said. "Cassi!" I I said louder. "Cassi!" I yelled. Nothing. F. U. C. K. "Baby girl wake up!" I yelled. She woke up. She started crying into my shirt clinging onto me for dear life. "It's just a dream it's not real." I soothed. "Sorry I woke you up." She cried. "I wasn't asleep yet but if I was there would be nothing to apologize for I don't care if you wake me up alright?" I asked. "Sorry I'm not used to you yet." She sighed. "I know. It's okay." I assured. "I'm scared Zac." She whispered. Uhh think Zac think! What do I do? She probably just doesn't wanna be alone. "Wanna come sleep with me?" I asked. She nodded. "Okay come on." I told her, she grabbed my hand in hers and allowed me to lead her back to my room. "If you're gonna sleep in here you're gonna be on that side of the bed." I instructed. "I don't like that side." She said but started to go to that side of the bed anyways. "Fine fine. I'll sleep on that side." I said being the pushover I am. She smiled and went to the right side of the bed the side we both wanted. We got to sleep and all of a sudden I feel a wet spot in the bed I jolted awake. She's 16 and wet the bed. "Cassi." I said shaking her. She jolted awake too but she had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! It's when I have bad dreams I'm so sorry Zac please don't be angry." She sobbed. "Shh it's okay I just need you to shower while I wash the sheets okay?" I asked. She wiped her tears. "You aren't mad?" She asked. "No I'm not mad I just want to get you clean before you get cold okay?" I questioned. She nodded. "I don't have any clean clothes." She said. "Not even underwear?" I think I might have underwear but that's it."she declared. "Here's a big shirt." I gave her one of my big tshirts that was even big on me. "Thanks." she mumbled and went to go take a shower. I stripped the sheets and put them in the wash and a clean set on the bed. She came back into my room and looked at me as if asking permission if she could still sleep in here. "Well get in bed." I told her. She ran onto the bed and snuggled up into me. This is weird. "I can't move Cassi." I laughed. "I'm scared though." She said. "Why?" I asked. "My dreams." She answered. "Okay okay. I'll protect you." I told her. "Thank you." She whispered. "Anytime." I said and fell asleep with Cassi in my arms.

A/N: sorry it sucks.

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