Chapter 11

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Zac's Pov

I woke up to the sound of Cassi puking. I immediately got up and ran into the bathroom. I pulled her hair back with one hand and rubbed her back with the other. "Oh baby." I whispered. She finally stopped and sat down on the floor. I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned her mouth. "I'm sorry you don't feel well baby girl." I said sympathetically. She just nodded weakly. Damn. She always has something to say. "Let's get you back to bed alright?" I asked. She lifted her arms up for me to carry her. I did of course. She was trying to hold onto me tightly but she was so weak that her arms felt limp around my neck. "Baby girl I know you really must not feel good at all. Your cuddle is off." I joked. She lightly giggled. "I'll just have to make up for it." I told her kissing her hair. She smiled and put her face in the crook of my neck. I ran my fingers through her hair gently. "Love you daddy." She whispered. I smiled softly. "Love you too baby girl." I cooed. I laid her down and she pouted. "What?" I asked. "I can't even fall asleep to the scent of you. I can't smell." She croaked. I inwardly flinched at the sound of her voice. She sounded awful. My poor baby girl. "I'm sorry baby." I spoke softly. "Not like you smell good or anything but it kinda soothes me." She admitted. "Here baby girl listen to my heart beat it'll soothe you too." I suggested. She must've liked that idea because soon she was fast asleep on my chest. "Love you so much baby girl." I said and kissed her forehead. I fell asleep right after that.

I woke up to her rushing to get out of bed. I did the same and followed her out the room to the bathroom. She threw up a little bit but she mostly dry heaved. "Damn baby girl." I said shaking my head. "You don't have to get out of bed every time I throw up." She croaked. "Yeah I do. It's my job." I told her putting her hair in a high pony tail for her. "I think I would be okay on my own." She said. "I don't care. I'm going to be there for you every time." I said somewhat firmly. She sighed but smiled slightly at me. "You don't think it's gross?" she asked. "Honestly baby I don't care. I just want to make sure my baby girl is okay." I told her. "I love you daddy." She whispered. So when she's sick she's more likely to call me daddy I guess. "I love you too baby girl." I replied kissing her cheek. "Can I have water?" she asked with her big brown eyes. "Of course babe." I answered. I put her in bed and then got her a glass of water and while I was at it I also got a bucket just in case she throws up again. "Here baby." I said giving her the water and bucket. "Thank you." She said in her sickly voice. "Anytime babe." I told her softly. "Feel very bad daddy." She whispered. "I know baby girl I know." I replied with a sigh. "I wanna feel better." She said a tear sliding down her face. "Don't cry baby." I wiped away her tear and rubbed her belly. She let out a breath of relief. Must feel good. "Get some sleep baby girl." I said putting her head back onto my chest. "Goodnight daddy." She whispered. "Love you." She added after a yawn. "Goodnight beautiful baby girl. I love you too." I replied before falling asleep for the 3rd time tonight. Amazingly she didn't wake up again. Probably because there was nothing more for her to throw up. I feel so bad for my baby girl. I know she must feel terrible. She barely even cuddled with me. And that's really unusual. She LOVES to cuddle. I woke up earlier than she did which didn't exactly shock me. So I made her some chicken noodle soup for lunch. She still needs to eat. About 12:15 they were done. I walked into my room to see my sleeping beauty. "Baby I hate to wake you up but you need to try and eat something." I explained. She groaned not really wanting to eat or wake up. "Sorry baby girl. Just a few bites for me." I said sympathetically. "Okay. Thanks for making me soup." She smiled softly. She's incredibly nice when she's sick. She ate about half the bowl then handed to me. "I'm done." She declared. "Alright babe. Thanks for eating." I said ruffling her hair softly. She smiled weakly. Man I hate this. I don't even have a mom I can call. I washed the dishes then sat at the breakfast bar with my head in my hands. I let a few tears slip away from my eyes but I refused to let out a sob. I don't know what to do. Should I take her to the doctor? Should I just give her medicine? I'm freaking out! I walked back into my room. "Daddy? have you been crying?" she asked sweetly. "Yeah babe. Do you think you need to go to a doctor?" I asked changing the subject immediately. "No. I just have the flu. I just need medicine." She answered. "Okay baby girl I'm going to go to the store I'll be right back." I told her then grabbed my keys and headed out. I got medicine, sprite, crackers, different kinds of soups, jello, and a vapor rub of some sort. What? I'm new at this dad stuff. I'm trying as hard as I can. I got back and walked into the kitchen to put up the sprite, soup, jello, and crackers. I brought the medicine and vapor rub into my room with me. "Okay beautiful. Daddy is gonna try to make you feel better." I cooed. I'm 6'5 and I coo. What is happening to me. She's making me lose my man-ness. I don't think I mind though. I put the vapor rub on her neck and gave her some medicine. "Feeling better yet?" I asked right after. "Daddy you have to wait for it to kick in." She said and giggled a little. I sighed just wanting my baby girl to feel better already.

40 minutes later

I put more vapor rub on her neck. "Better now?" I asked. "A little bit." She answered. "Shit I haven't even taken your temperature!" i exclaimed and ran to go get it. I took it. "101.5 Fuck I'm a terrible person I shouldn't have custody of you. I suck at this." I grumbled. "Daddy stop. You're not a terrible person. You're a great person. You're taking good care of me calm down. I have a fever cause I'm sick not because you're bad at taking care of me." She explained slowly. "Cassi You've been sick for like 12 hours or more and I just now took your temperature." I said. "So? it's okay. I'm fine. You're doing great. I've never had anyone take care of me like this. I appreciate it." She smiled weakly. "Okay okay I'm going to stop freaking out. You on the other hand. I'm going to say that you may need a nap." I told her. "I won't disagree." She said and snuggled up in the blankets. "Here, I'll even let you cuddle with me how's that sound?" I asked. "Perfect." She whispered. In 5 minutes tops she was out like a light. And snoring.

A/N: ...I'm kinda evil.

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