Chapter 9

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Zac's pov

Saturday went great! Preston and I caught up and Cassi warmed up to him fast. It's Monday now. I'm nervous as hell. I keep pacing back and forth. Cassi is amazingly calm about this whole thing.


A knock sounded at the door. "It'll be okay baby girl." I said mostly to myself. I opened the door to a short fat woman that looks really strict. Fuck. "Evening ma'am." I greeted. "Hello." He huffed. "I'm here to talk to Cassi not you so if you don't mind showing me to her room." She said making my eyes go wide at her rudeness. "Yes ma'am." I said and showed her to Cassi's room where Cassi was sitting on her bed scrolling through Twitter I assume on her new phone she got for Christmas. "Cassi." The woman grunted. "Hello." Cassi said sweetly. I smiled at her. "Sorry you can't be here." The wonderful woman said. "Okay." I sighed and turned. "Zac wait!" Cassi yelled. "Yes baby girl?" I asked. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too baby." I replied before leaving. I heard the woman scoff. I almost scoffed back but I didn't. I walked downstairs to continue pacing back and forth.


They finally came down. "Well Zac. I'm not sure what's going on with you and your games but she seems to love you and she loves it here too. Says its and I quote. 'Where she belongs.' Don't screw up. She's had a rough life and you being well you would be terrible." She insulted me. "I'll have you know that I love her more than anything in the world and I'd do anything for her. I would never hurt her in a million years. Never even think about it. Shes perfectly safe." I ranted. "Good. Goodbye Zac. Goodbye Cassi. If he touches a hair on your head call me and he'll go straight to jail." She said and walked out. "Stupid bitch." I muttered under my breath so Cassi wouldn't hear it. "What?" she asked. "Nothin sweet pea." I smiled. "You said something about her didn't you?" I asked. "Yup." I replied popping the p. "She's not the nicest person ever." She giggled. "Yeah I got that." I laughed. "I'm hungry." She told me. "I'm on it!" I said running into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I yelled. "I don't care! You pick!" she yelled back. Grilled cheese and tomato soup it is! "Oooh I love this!" she said once she found out what I was making. "Good." I smirked. "Why?" I asked. "Cause if you don't like what I fix then I have to make something else huh? cause I'm too nice to let you starve." He replied. I smiled knowing it's true. "Is she like that with everyone or just me?" I amused. "Just you." She answered. "Figured." I laughed. Might as well laugh at it. I ain't gonna fix it. "She said that she doesn't want me here." She said. "She has no reason to take you from me though." I sighed. "Yeah." She mumbled. "What? what'd you tell her?" I asked. "Nothing. She just wanted to search your room and my room and I got scared and said no." She admitted. "I have uncles old paddle in my room. It's good she didn't search it." I said making her gulp. "Don't worry I won't spank you with that unless you're really bad." I chuckled. "Zac that sounds painful." She whined. "It is not gonna lie." I smirked. She looked at me fearfully. I leaned over and kissed her hair. "Don't forget about it baby girl." I warned. She nodded. I chuckled lightly and picked up our plates and took them to the kitchen. "Alright go shower." I said patting her butt to get her moving. She blushed but obeyed. The paddle is still fresh in her mind. After her shower we cuddled up on my bed and watched how the grinch stole Christmas even though Christmas is already over. "You'll never actually use the paddle on me right?" she asked. "I might." I said kissing her forehead. She sighed and cuddled into my chest further. "But only if I smoke or drink right?" I asked. "Shh baby girl stop asking so much questions. If you're good you have nothing to worry about." I laughed. She huffed. "Fine." She fell asleep on me half way through the movie. I turned it off and went to sleep myself. Not before kissing her cheek and telling her that I love her of course. I always do that before I go to sleep. Even if she's already asleep. (I do this to my dog guys...#nolife)

Next morning

"Zac!" I heard loudly waking me up. "What?" I asked. "I didn't have a nightmare!" she said happily. "Good!" I replied just as happy. I hate her being scared it makes me sad. Yes I have a heard people. Only for Cassi but still I have a heart! "I think it's because I was cuddled up with you all night." she said. Oh boy she loves to cuddle. "Really or are you just saying that so you can cuddle with me all the time?" I asked. "Zac I always cuddle with you all the time anyways." She said making me laugh. It's true though. "Okay that's true." I smiled.

Mid morning I got a call. "You need to get another appointment with Cassi's social worker. She didn't know if she could trust you yet." The guy said. "Okay. I will." I replied. "Okay goodbye." The guy said hanging up. I groaned loudly. "What's wrong?" Cassi asked. "Nothing baby girl don't worry about it." I said faking a smile. "Okay. it's not a money issue right?" she asked. "No baby girl I told you I have enough money." I said. "Okay." she sighed. I called and made another appointment with her for Thursday at 4pm. I have to tell Cassi soon and take everything out that she could find on her search.

A/N: feedback from y'all would be great :)

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