Dinner Dates

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Tuesday February 5th - Evening.

"Lexi" Jennifer said fondly embracing who she thought to be her future daughter-in-law.

"Hi Jennifer" Lexi smiled hugging Jennifer. She had always liked Kelly's mother. She was a sweet, yet tough woman. Lexi became a little blue at the thought that Jennifer wouldn't ever be her mother in law.

"Hi Mom" Kelly said kissing his mother's cheek before hugging her.

"What happened to your neck?" Jennifer asked Lexi concern written all over her face as they took their seats.

"I got too close to a case" Lexi explained. She had purposely worn her hair down to try to hide the bruising and had applied some make-up, but the bruises were too deep to cover completely. Plus, her husky voice gave it away.

The waiter approached giving Lexi an excuse not to have to explain any further. "Can I get you some drinks?"

"A bottle of your finest champagne for my two favourite ladies please" Kelly ordered smiling at Lexi.

"Oh fancy" Jennifer commented "What are we celebrating? Have you two finally set a date?" she asked excitement flashing in her eyes.

Lexi and Kelly laughed together. "I just want to treat you both, show you both how much I love you." Kelly advised putting his hand on Lexi's leg and squeezing her knee tenderly.

Lexi cleared her throat and took a sip of water that had already been poured in to their glasses. Lexi felt instantly guilty for lying to Jennifer, pretending everything was normal, it wasn't fair to her, but Lexi would go along with it for Kelly's sake. It was going to be a long night.


"Excuse me ladies," Kelly said standing from his chair after they had finished their main courses.

Lexi watched Kelly walk toward the bathrooms. "Come on," Jennifer said asking for Lexi's attention. "Fess up" she demanded when Lexi quickly glanced at her as she reached for her third glass of champagne. Jennifer continued, "What's happened?"

"What do you mean?" Lexi asked sipping her champagne and trying to avoid eye contact.

"Something's going on here" Jennifer concluded eyeing Lexi suspiciously.

Lexi laughed nervously. "Nothing is going on"

Jennifer was on to them, she knew something was wrong. "Have you two had a fight?" Jennifer asked watching Kelly walk through the restaurant back toward their table.

Lexi drank the last of her champagne trying to give her time to think of something to say. She shook her head signifying there had been no fight. "No, no fight" she confirmed pouring more champagne from the bottle in to her glass. Lexi should have known Jennifer would see right through them.

They had been flirting all night, Kelly had always been touching Lexi in some way unless they were eating. As far as Lexi thought they had been the same way they always were, obviously not. Maybe Lexi hadn't been hiding her facial expressions as well as she thought or maybe she had made a snide remark and not realised it.

"What did I miss?" Kelly asked smiling broadly as he sat down putting his arm around the back of Lexi's chair.

"I was just asking what's going on with the two of you?" Jennifer filled him in watching him suspiciously, looking for a reaction. "Something is up, I can tell"

Kelly sighed defeated, he had been enjoying his night. It had been a great evening, spending time with Lexi and his Mom. He had almost convinced himself everything was normal. Kelly sat forward on his chair, putting his elbows on the table, he ran his hands over his face not sure where to begin. He should have known his Mom was too smart to not realise something was wrong. "Mom, I... we broke up" Kelly told Jennifer firmly seeing no other tactic than being honest.

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