02 - prologue pt. 2

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2 Years Later

Kim Y/N, at the ripe age of 24, took over one of the most successful businesses in Asia, after the previous CEO's, her older brother, death just 2 years before. According to financial reports, CEO Kim Y/N has lead the company to receiving a whopping 132% increase in profit after the release of their latest products and were given great reviews from 73,000 people in South Korea only! She is now currently at No. 1 on our list for Most Eligible Bachelorettes of 2019. What is her secret to success?

- Forbes

Black blazer draped over your shoulders, a white polo, a black pencil skirt wrapped around your body, and black sunglasses resting on the bridge of your nose.

"Good morning Miss Y/N!" One of the employees greeted you when you entered through the glass doors.

"Good morning Miss Y/N!" Another greeted as you walked towards the elevators with an aura of confidence.

Then came another greeting from a different employee. The sound of your heels clicking against the marble tiles of the floor ringing in your ears as you gave a small nod to them as a sign of acknowledgement.

You lifted your wrist to check the time on your watch. "Oh shit," you swore under your breath, coming into the realization that you were running late to the meeting.

You quickened your pace as the people inisde the cabin of the elevator held the doors open for you.

It was cramped, but you couldn't afford to be anymore late to a meeting than you already were. The rather awkward silence in the lift as it went up was broken by two people behind you.

"I heard from someone in the commercial department that he saw Miss Y/N with a man last night," one whispered.

"Really? That must explain why Taehyung from her team said she's late for a meeting," the other snickered.

"She's unbelievable. The only reason she's our boss now is cause there's no one else to take over right?"

"Privileged kids nowadays who don't even know a thing about business are put as CEOs. What a shame to all the business students who actually worked hard to get degrees."

But before the other could reply, someone who was also listening to their conversation obnoxiously cleared their throat to attract the two gossiping girls' attention.

"Keep your mouths shut if you want to keep your jobs," he said, pointing towards you.

You let out a bitter chuckle.

Is this what Seokjin felt like?

Putting in so much effort to do a good job yet still being called priveleged or silver spoons as the only reason you're succesful even by your own employees?

There was a sting in your heart, but you brushed off their words. You arrived on your floor and the doors slid open, finally walking out of the cramped cabin.

You've walked to the meeting room multiples times to the point where you don't even think if you should he taking the left turn or the right.







"Miss Y/N!" You heard a female's voice yell from a far distance. Running up to you with a checkboard in her arms, she caught her breath for a moment.

You then raised your eyebrows at her as a way of asking her what she needed from you. "One of our products malfunctioned in Zhejiang, China last night and we've been getting many complaints asking for refunds."

"Tell the development team to make a newer software that fixes these bugs and instead of giving the customers refunds, send them coupons that make 50% off of their next purchase of any of our products."

"Miss Y/N," this time, a male voice called. "The shipment carrying the parts to make our laptops was destroyed and now we can't produce any to re-stock!"

"Give me a moment to think about it," you answered.

If we order new parts, that will be expensive and our restock date for the laptops will be delayed and that will decrease our profit.

If we don't order new parts, we will save money, but then what will we do about the high demand for our laptops?

"Miss Y/N! Min Group has announced the release of the model of their new phone and it has the same exact design as the one we're planning to release next month!"


"Miss Y/N! One of our best models cancelled her contract with us-"

"Miss Y/N! The leader of the Human Resources team was seen soliciting a prostitute and now the netizens are-"

"Miss Y/N!"

"Miss Y/N"

"Miss Y/N"

"Miss Y/N!"

You could hear your heart beat in your ears, your hands were trembling, and your breath got shakier as you frantically looked around at all people surrounding you and waiting for your orders on what they should do. A pounding headache growing at the back of your head.

"Miss Y/N? Are you alright?"




Your eyes darted at all directions.

You needed to get out of there.

"E-excuse me," you tried to push through the crowd of people surrounding you. Sweat droplets forming on your forehead.

Your body felt very warm and then you couldn't hear anything other than the loud pumping of your heart in your ears. You felt lightheaded and within a matter of seconds, your vision turned black.

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