Chapter 2: meeting Robert

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After a long awkward moment of silence Robert asked me why I was heading to Canada. Oh uh I'm going to see my dad it's pretty hard on me but I get through it I replied. "I understand you, my parents got divorced when I was a young boy it's not easy" replied Robert. In fact I'm divorced myself I'm sure you knew that already. Truth is I did haha I know everything about him but I just played along no actually I don't I said. Wow that's shocking Robert said. How old are you? Robert asked. 13 I replied. Wow your young Robert said. I looked at him and I was so stupid and blurted out oh and your 49! He looked at me for a long time and he said one word. Fan girl? Yup I replied. Yeah I've heard of those Robert told me. I told him that if I was being annoying he can tell me to stop. He laughed and said oh I will.

It was finally time to fly I was so excited and nervous I didn't know what to say. My thoughts were going crazy and all I could think is OMG IM SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO FUCKING ROBERT DOWNEY JR! After we were done taking off I turned on the tv in from of me. Robert looked at my shirt. Your a marvel fan? Oh yes I'm a huge marvel fan I replied. He started quizzing me. I nearly memorized every single movie. I'm impressed Robert says you know the script better than I do. I clicked to the Avengers on my screen with the biggest smile I have ever let out. Robert looked to my screen good choice he tells me. Thanks I reply what are you going to watch I ask. He looks at his screen uhh probably a classic he tells me. Cool I reply umm can we maybe take a selfie I ask. Again he gives me that stare. I mean if it's not too much trouble I say. He takes the phone okay but only once I really don't do selfies he says. Oh I'm sorry I say. We take a selfie and all I'm thinking is omg he touched my phone!

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