Chapter One~Childhood

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Shikita town,  2844..

The world was not what it used to be. It was much much worse. All that could be heard outside where constant gunshots and screams of people dying, begging for mercy. The little girl didn't know what the cause was, her father never told her. He said it was for the best, and that she was just too young to know the truth. Not knowing only made her fear and anxiety grow. Day after day she would try and peak outside from the boraded up windows, but her mother always stopped her just in time she was spotted, by them.

Her mother was the only joy in the household. Who knew never leaving the house would be so good. She would teach her how to read and write. How to be a good person and how not to judge a book by it's cover. That rule was the most important. The reason behind this was, she wasn't like the rest of them. The little girl was special, not like all the other girls and boys. She had long frosty white hair and icy blue eyes that could reflect the stars reflection perfectly.

You could notice her a mile away, thats why she needed to be protected. They didn't want, them, to get her. It was the most horrible way to die. No matter how bad or good that person was. There was no mercy.

As the months passed her mom and her father started to argue more and more. Until that one faithful day when he left a bruise on her face. By the afternoon she was gone. The tears never stopped falling down her face.

There was no more joy in the house. After her mom had left her dad became more aggressive. Everything she did was a mess up, a mistake. The house became filled with shattered glass and empty bottles of beer. Alcohol was all the girl could ever smell.

Her feet where bruised and bleeding from stepping on glass. Her arms where painted red with red from the constant bleeding, scars soon taking there place. All she wanted was to be regular kid, just how she always wanted it to be. She wanted to go outside and be a kid, everyone did, but that wasn't going to happen in the world they live in today. When all her hopes where almost all taken away, he came.

A figure that glowed a dim white color. "I am your light" That was the first thing he ever said to her. She would try and hug him, but her hands went straight through him. It was clear only she could see him, but he felt so real. He had emotions just like her and was able to feel what she felt.
Since that day they became the best of friends, her life felt happier despite all of things that her dad put her through. He was her joy.

One day, he said he had to leave. She didn't know were, but she didn't want him to leave. "I will be your gardian..Kyu.." His name never left her head, it played over and over so she would never forget it. Him leaving never made anything less dark. She knew he was watching her, despite her not seeing him right in front of her. When she returned to her room that night she saw something new on her bed. It was a beautiful hand made doll.

The doll looked exactly like her. It had long white yarn hair and blue eyes like hers. For the first time in a while a smile went across her face. She held the doll close to her chest. It had a note attached to its body and she quickly read it. "Whenever you feel down hug this and think of me"
She giggled and layed down in bed, falling asleep peacefully.

The next morning she quickly got out of bed and locked the door. "Peace and quiet for me..please " She sighed and sat down on the floor, pulling out her blocks from out under her bed. The small six year old used the little creativity and imagination she had left to build a good looking block monster. She grabbed her doll, who was obviously the hero. "I will defeat you!" Her small hands moved over to the dolls arms, turning them into a heroic pose. She heard glass break outside her door and squinted her eyes. It was probably her dad drinking again. Not again, not this early.

As his footsteps got closer her heart began to race. She knew that nothing good was going to come out of it.
"Kana open the door right now!" Yes, that was her name. Kana shook her head and continued to play with her doll. She didn't want to be afraid of him anymore, not when she had a piece of her joy in her hands. It almost felt like he was here. She heard his footsteps become weaker and she sighed in relief, but soon they returned.

The handle of the door shaked aggressively. Soon the handle had broken and the door slowly creaked open. There he was a big man with is green eyes staring right at her. Her eyes tried not to show any sign of fear.   They glared at each other for a while before her dad took a few steps towards her.  "Why did you lock daddy out sweetie?" He had a sweet yet psychopathic grin on his face. "We could have been a happy family, it is all your fault! You made her leave" His pupils began shaking in his eyes as he let out a loud laugh.

He walked slowly to her and she slowly backed up. "I'm sorry daddy..please don't hit me again.." She was tired of it all. Kana didn't want to hurt anymore. A few tears rolled down her cheeks as he came closer and closer. Her heart felt it was going to burst out of his chest. "You messed up this family..and now you're going to suffer! Just like I did!" He grabbed the girl by the neck. She placed her tiny hands on his as she tried to escape his grasp, her face slowly turning red. She was running out of breath fast. Her vision started to get blurry, until all she saw was black, pitch black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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