The Letter

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*Savannah's POV*

As I was walking to Starbucks after school, I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. It was my mom. "Hello?" "Savannah, honey, I wanted to let you know that there is a letter in the mail for you. I have it laying on the counter for you when you get home." "Wait, you said it's a letter? Why would someone be sending me a letter?" "Believe it or not, people still write them" "Haha! Okay, thanks mom. Bye." "Bye, sweetie!"

When it was my turn at the counter, I ordered two cotton candy fraps to go because my best friend Anissa was supposed to be coming over. The whole way home, all I could think about was who would have sent me that letter. I mean, nobody sends letters these days!

I opened the door to see Anissa already sprawled across my couch. I ignored her and ran straight for the kitchen. "Hey, loser, don't I get a hello?" I look over to see her standing there with her arms crossed. "Sorry, it's just that my mom said there was a letter for me and I'm really anxious to see who it's from." "Maybe it's a love letter from Carson! Oh wait, he'd never do that. He's too wrapped up in his ego." I just rolled my eyes. She's not convinced that he is right for me, but I know he's the one.

I looked at the address on the paper. It's from Nash? Why would he send me a letter? He's such a nerd! I ripped it open and read it aloud, "Savannah, I decided to write you this letter because I thought it would be more interesting for you than a totally BASIC phone call. I am going to make you work for the information, though. Actually, I figured it would be too much work to make you work too hard, so all you have to do is step outside. Go to the place you, Anissa, and I used to always hung out when we were younger. With hate, Nash. JK you know I love you." "Whadda weirdo!" "I know right. So I'm guessing he means the tree house?" "Yeah, I assume."

We climbed up the ladder and walked over to the mini table. There was another note and... three plane tickets? Again, I read the note out loud, "Surprise! You are coming to live with me and Cam for the summer! Now you're probably wondering why there are three plane tickets. That's because Anissa and Hayes are coming too! I can't wait to see you guys, I miss you all so much! Get packing! Love, Nash." "OMG YAYY! I'M GOING HOME TO PACK RIGHT NOW!" With that, she was off. I just laughed, she could be so hyper at times.

I had to admit, I was really excited too! I couldn't wait to see what adventures this summer would bring! Then it dawned on me, I would be leaving my boyfriend for THE WHOLE ENTIRE SUMMER. I knew I would have to break the news to him tomorrow because it was the last day of school and we would be leaving for Cali the very next day. How am I going to tell him? I guess all I could do for now was pack. I just hope Carson takes it well...

Daydreaming (A Matt Espinosa Story)Where stories live. Discover now