Annabeth woke to the sound of crying. She opened her eyes and squinted to see the time. 3:00am. She fumbled out of bed and walked across the room, as she reached for the doorknob Annabeth caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes shot to the grey streak in her hair and memories, both good and bad, flooded her mind. She sighed, smiling warmly.
More crying brought Annabeth back from her past. She opened the door, heading down the hall to a small room painted a unique shade of greenish-blue. She strode over to the crib and pulled the crying baby from it. She cradled the boy, but her attempts to quiet the child were vain, he continued to cry. Suddenly the tears upon the boy’s cheek began to dance, moving slowly, gracefully in the air, hushing the child and causing him to grin.
Annabeth glanced to the doorway of the nursery. Standing with his weight on the frame and moving his left hand rhythmically was Percy. Annabeth smiled, “you are always able to make him happy.”
Percy smiled his expression soft. Taking the child Percy placed him in the crib and started the mobile above the boy’s head. The baby followed the moving fish with his eyes until he fell asleep. Percy turned from the crib, kissed Annabeth, and the couple ushered each other back to bed.