A Rude Awakening

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POV: Charon, Prince of Lumosia, Kingdom of Light

Sunlight filtered through the windows, the first rays of dawn shedding light across the opulent room and it's equally opulent inhabitant.

A groan escapes my throat, as I turn over, cringing at the light coming in through the window. Ugh. I hate mornings. What an ironic thing for me, heir to the throne of Lumoria, Kingdom of Light, to say. Ironic, but true. I push the cumbersome covers off of me as I sit up, trying to blink the sleep from my heavy eyes.

I stumble over to my luxurious bathroom, and scold myself. Bumbling around like an idiot is not very prince-like of you. Get it together. I stiffle a yawn, rub my eyes, and grasp the door handle. You'll have plenty of time to be prince-like and dashing later; savor your bumbling idiocy while you still can.

Time for another smashingly boring day in the life of Prince Charon, incredibly handsome, strikingly intelligent, immensely strong...

My fantasizing about how great I am is cut off when I realize I am having a hard time pulling the bathroom door open. Gah, these ghastly contraptions! It's a door for Pete's sake. If I can't open a door, what am I going to do in the face of the kingdom?

I look down and realize that one of my fallen shirts had gotten stuck under the door. Well, that explains a lot. I tug the door open and step inside for a much needed bath.

After I am done bathing, I set about getting dressed. Ever since I learned how to dress myself, I have always refused to let any servants help me. There's something about the calm of the morning, the only time I get any privacy. I like spending that time alone.

After slipping on a pair of black trousers, I pull a white shirt over my head, and tug on a maroon vest. After slipping on my Heir Pendant, the topaz pendant that declares me heir to the Lumosia, I run my fingers through my hair once, put on my golden crown, and grin in the mirror, satisfied and ready to start the day. And impress any beautiful maidens I happen to run across with my devestating looks.

Smirking, I open the door and swagger down the hallway to my father's office. I pop my head in, and tell my father that I am leaving for the Kingdom of Water as an emissary, as he instructed. I withdraw and close the door, and my father bellows, "But wait, Charon, there's something I..." "We'll talk when I get back father!" I toss over my shoulder.

I continue on my way. When I get to the stables, the stable boy already has my horse saddled, and nod to him and toss him a coin in appreciation. He catches it and looks up questioningly.

"For your hard work and efficiency. It is appreciated." I smile, "Don't tell my father though," I say with a wink. He smiles and nods, as I hop onto my stallion, Oran.

"Let's go boy," I whisper in his ear, and we're off towards Cascadia, the Kingdom of Water.

Author's Note:

Hello there! Thank you for reading the first, part of my story! :) With your support, it shall hopefully continue to grow.

This chapter is dedicated to MLB998 because her story, Secret Wings, got me hooked on Wattpad. Thank you for your wonderful writing! :)

Thanks for reading!



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