4- Neal

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I walked into my apartment and met the eyes of my two former best friends, Joey and Rocco.

"What the hell!"

The both looked at me with wide eyes.

Rocco let out a relieved sigh.

"You're okay.", he whispered.

"What do you mean? Why are you two here?"

"Have you or Jesse gotten any threats? Any messages?"

"What? No. Why?"

They both pulled out notes and pictures.

I read the notes over.

"What the hell?"

I looked over the pictures.

"Jennifer and Josie. Where are they?"

"Mom's fine. She at my house with Nina. We came to make sure you and Jesse were okay."

"Jesse was still here when I left."

Rocco looked at me with wide eyes before running down the halls.

Joey and I ran after him. The three of us began yelling and searching every room.

"He's not here."

"Where could he be?"

"I don't know. He didn't mention leaving. He said he wanted to have a chill day."

I called his phone and I heard it ringing. We followed the ring to Jesse's bedroom.

"He doesn't go anywhere without his phone. He can't be far."

"Neal.", Joey said quietly.

He was looking down at the floor near the other side of Jesse's bed.


"There's glass."

He lifted the curtain and we saw that the window was busted.

Suddenly, all of our phones vibrated.

♬Reunited and it feels so good♬ How does it feel having the whole gang back together? Well, not the whole gang....

Before I could begin to panic, another text came through.

It was a picture of Jesse. He was sleeping in a bed. At least, I hope he's just sleeping.

"We have to go to the cops.", I said hurriedly

"We can't. He has Jesse. If we go to the cops, what's stopping him from killing Jesse?", Joey responded calmly.

"That's my best friend! Why are you being so calm right now?!"

"Because I don't believe Jesse is in danger. If whoever is doing this wanted to hurt Jesse in anyway, then he would have already."

"Neal, we're going to do everything we can to get him back.", Rocco reassured me.

"We have to get out of here. You're not safe here. Come on. You're staying with me.", Rocco said.

I nodded. I went to my room and packed a bag.

"We're going to get you back, Jesse.", I whispered before saying a quiet prayer.

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