~~ Coming Together ~~

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Bryce was standing in the doorway, smirking, he wasn't wearing a hat or shoes for that matter and he looked too comfortable when he moved into the room. L's first thought was how long it had been since she'd last seen him but she brushed it aside for the second thought she had.

She hadn't been listening fully when she'd walked into the house, she hadn't checked for anyone else besides Edra. Anyone or anything could have been waiting to attack her. She mentally kicked herself, she wouldn't do that again. She gritted her teeth together for a moment, watching Bryce move to stand in front of the fire.

"Are you that annoyed to see me? I thought I'd get a better welcome than that."

L rolled her eyes again and relaxed her jaw, she smiled shortly at him, "I wasn't annoyed at you, I was annoyed at myself for not checking the house before I came in. I didn't even hear you before I sat down."

L noticed Edra's eyebrows raise and she peered up at Bryce, "She's even more mistrustful than you described, I like the prepared thinking though, reminds me of her parents."

Bryce nodded to Edra before he looked back to L, "You might have done if this house wasn't already protected against that. Every room is separately protected from the rest, soundproofed is probably what you'd call it but the Supernatural kind."

L instantly clamped onto the part about her parents and she felt a little better at Bryce's words but something else had caught her attention.

"You two have been talking about me?"

Both Edra and Bryce looked at her in surprise, neither one seemed to realise what they'd said.

"Yes, we have but so has pretty much every member of the Supernatural community the last few weeks. Besides, it's not like you'd talk about yourself, there are things Edra needs to know and she hasn't got weeks to make you trust her enough to tell her."

He spoke with such familiarity, not just about Edra but about L as well and it made something stir in the pit of L's stomach.

She tried to squash it down as she watched another armchair materialise out of nowhere. Bryce sat down in it and he looked far too comfortable.

L hadn't seen him act like that anywhere.

"You two know each other closely, don't you? The Council were all formal and nervous around Edra but you don't seem bothered, or is that you just being you?"

L tried not to smirk, she could see one playing on Bryce's mouth but Edra spoke before he could give her a snarky reply.

"We know each other yes, I have known Bryce since the day he was born... a long, long time ago now. I tried to talk his parents out of calling him Brycathlen but they didn't listen to me."

She smiled over at Bryce who laughed quietly, L hadn't seen him like this with anyone except the members of their little rescue party. But even then he was more formal than comfortable, and mostly angry. He didn't seem to have had much chance to relax since meeting L, there was always something bad happening. A fully relaxed Bryce was a peculiar sight, she wasn't sure she liked it but she wasn't about to mention it since something else was bothering her.

"Wait, what do you mean he was born a long, long time ago?" She looked over at Bryce who was watching her curiously, "How old are you?"

Bryce arched a brow and pursed his lips, Edra looked between him and L quizzically.

Bryce tilted his head to the side, "How old do you think I am?"

L resisted the urge to kick him in the shin and shrugged, "I dunno, twenty three maybe... twenty four at a push?"

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now