Bad day...

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It had been a rough day for the boxer...

Long, tiring, over all just a bad day and all he wanted to do was mild training, maybe even spare with one of the newbies at the gym to show them how it's really done.

But no...

His friends just had to piss him off today... Of course there is always some mild teasing here and there but they took it too far this time.

Let me tell you what you had missed out on so we can catch up a bit.


As soon as he walked into the gym, Takamura cringed, face twisting in disgust.

At what you may ask?

Well turns out that Aoki had invited Tomiko, his girlfriend, to watch him train... yet again. Which basically ment the man just tries his damn hardest to impress her and completely loses focus while she just stares at him with heart-shaped eyes, occasionally blowing a loving kiss his way... It's truly repulsive.

"You look like you are about to murder them"

Kimura chuckled as he joined his friend's side, watching the in-love couple interact with somewhat of an awkward smile"Aye, it pisses me off" The mountain of a man growled and stomped away, deciding to go change into his usuall tracksuit outfit so he wouldn't stare at the two of them.

Once done he walked out and started praying to whatever god is out there that they just left. Maybe they went back to their place to get it on or just run off to the showers sicne they seemed so impatinet but just... anything... Anything as long as they aren't there while he trains.

But nope, they were still there...

Throwing lovey-dovey eyes at each other like a bunch of horny teenagers. The tall male grimaced and averted his gaze, eyes locking onto Ippo who sat on one of the benches. Given any other circumstance he would be happy to see the young man but upon taking a closer look he noticed that his nostrils were flaring and a goofy smile was accompanying them...

Takamura's left eye twitched and he quickly rushed over catching the young boy of guard when he grabbed both of his nostrils, stretching them out to the sides.


Ippo desperately tried to stop his idol from tearing his nose appart, flailing his arms around in an attempt to fight him off "I am very sorry! Please stop it Takamura!"

But the man did not stop... oh no... He only pulled more "You should stop bullying him like that... He can get a girl for himself if he wants" Kimura mumbled, his face showing concern as he witnessed the scene. At his words Takamura stopped "What, so he can be like that lover boy over there?" He pointed at Aoki who was in the middle of giving a passionate kiss to his beloved Tomiko. He turned around right after he was done, obviously getting angry at Takamura's comment...

"You are only jealous because you can't find yourself anybody special who can actually stand you" He teased while wrapping one of his arms around Tomiko's waist "Me? Jealous? HAH!" 

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