Is This Our Final GoodByes?

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The last chapter was sad because Frey is now dead. If you all wondered on why I used the cover photo in the last chapter, it is Goldie. Goldie is the main character in that chapter as she is the majoring factor in what might happen in this chapter or the next. Read on to find out more.

Spring Bonnie's POV

I was saddened that I had to kill Freya. We just lost a good friend we all loved very much. Goldie teleported us to Mari. 

Mari had a worried expression on her face. But then she looked up and she seen me, Mitchboe, Goldie, and Foxy. She then cheered up.

"You all made it! But I don't sense Freya's spirit anymore..." Mari giving us the worried look again.

Me, Mitchboe, Goldie, and Foxy dropped our heads to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Mari asked.

Goldie raised her head up and she looked at Mari with a gloomy face.

"Mari.....I'm afraid Freya is no longer with us." Goldie said.

"So that would explain why I no longer sense her spirit." Mari saying concerned.

"Springy had to save Mitchboe from her. Freya used her corrupted energy to prevent me at the last moment to teleport Mitchboe out of the backstage." Goldie said.

"We just lost our very good friend. I was hoping it wouldn't come down to her dying for good. We'll never see her again. Her spirit is destroyed." Mari looking at us with sadness.

Bonnie, Mangle, and Chica stepped in front of us with shockingly sad faces.

"Yes, Freya is gone forever. She's not coming back girls. Her last words were, she loved us all." Goldie dropping her head.

"I can't believe Freya is gone." Bonnie starting to tear up.

"She was always a good friend to us." Mangle said sadly.

"We'll never forget all the years we've spent with her." Chica holding her hands in a praying form.

"I regret killing her!!!" I cried.

Mari walked over to me and she put her arm around me.

"I know you do Springy. But it wasn't your fault, you were just protecting Mitchboe and she understands that. I know Freya all too well." Mari said.

"You're a good friend Springy. Freya would've been proud to see you fight for Mitchboe's life even if it meant her life being sacrificed." Foxy said.

Mitchboe looked up at us with tears in his eyes.

"Maybe I should've let you teleport me out Goldie. But I really wanted to save my love." He said.

I hugged Mitchboe.

"Darling, that means the world to me! I was trapped in the back room and all I could think about was you. It was impossible to escape. But my strong love for you gave me the strength to break out of the back room and come for you!" I said crying on his shoulder.

"I didn't think I would get to see you ever again. The first thing I done when I got here was to save you. Even with the dangers of being killed by Goldie and Foxy didn't deter me from going to the back room to try and break you free from your prison." Mitchboe crying.

"It was when I sensed your love trying to save me from my prison that gave me the strength to break free. I'd done anything to be with with you even if it meant killing someone to do that." I said.

"I would've done the same thing. But I never thought it'd been someone we knew and loved." He said.

"I know darling. But now we can be together again at least." I said pressing the side of my face up against his.

"Uh.....About that.....I'm afraid that won't be happening you two." Mari said.

Me and Mitchboe jumped to her shocked.

"Nooooo!!!!" I cried.

I hugged Mitchboe very tightly.

"I'm not gonna lose him again!!!! I held together my mind with all I could just to be with him again!!!! I'm not letting him go!!!!" I said so angry.

"Springy, I know how much you love him. But if you don't let Mitchboe go back to the real world, he will not exist! He can't stay here. If you let him go back, he'll live. You want him to live don't you?" Mari said.

I looked at Mitchboe with a really sad face. Mitchboe looked back at me with a really sad face as well.

"Mitchboe!!!! I don't want to leave you!!!!" I cried.

"I don't want to be without you springy!!!!" He cried.

"I'm really sorry, but Mitchboe will have to leave if he is to live." Mari said.

"Mitchboe.....Please promise me, you won't give your heart to another woman." I said hugging him.

"Springy, I'd never give my heart to another woman. You're the only woman I could ever want in my life. Why should I live!? I can't go on without you my love!" Mitchboe said patting my back.

Mitchboe then dropped to the ground. He looked very weak, groaning.

"Mitchboe!!!!" I dropped down to him.

Mari got down beside us.

"Mitchboe, you completed all your task. Freya maybe gone, but you pulled all the other girls spirits together. Now we can live on in this realm with our full minds. You may not be able to come back here again. But at least you can live with the good heart that you gave us all salvation. We will always be in each others hearts and minds. May you and Springy find peace. I must send you back. This will be the last time we'll meet. We must bid you farewell."

Mari waved her hand and Mitchboe teleported away in a flash of light.

"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!" I cried so loud.

I got up and dashed off.

I went to the office and sat in the chair crying away. I couldn't believe Mitchboe was gone forever now. How will I ever be happy again?

I'm gonna end this chapter here. This was indeed a very depressing chapter. Freya is gone forever and Mitchboe and Springy will never be with each other again.



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