Chapter 1.2 • LUCY POV •

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Seating straight, Lucy frowned to the view of Natsu and Happy doing moronic morning whatsoever thingy. She shook her head and sweat-dropped when Natsu kicked the flower pot,

"Natsu! What are you doing?!" Lucy groaned in frustration. Feeling a little eerie in between her feet, damn the noise was all she could mumble.

"Ah? What, Lucy?!" Natsu sneered, "Oh Happy, c'mon, let's fly to the guild!" Before any single world, Natsu jumped into Happy who flapped his wings in return,

"Aye sir!"

Lucy turned her eyes into slits. Narrowing it more and more, "NATSU!! Come back here in instant and pay for the damaged pot!"

She heard Natsu's teasing laugh. "No way, Lucy. You pay it for yourself. Plus, that stupid pot was on my way!" He answered and laughed for the nth time again,

Lucy shook her head in disbelief. "Why you, I'd get you for this!" She mumbled in gritted teeth.

"C'mon, Happy! Faster."

"Aye sir! Aye, aye."


"You seriously don't expect me to believe that." I said as Levy chuckled, beside her was a seating Gajeel who looked like earth and hell had gone through all his heads down to his core,

"Well, ask Mirajane!" She shrugged. "But I want to be more helpful to Gajeel of all this days, he had been suffering the mental breakdown. Oh, and Erza was seemingly to get weird these days like she's hiding something."

"Oh c'mon, Cana is still the same, getting drunk again." I said as I took a sip of the coconut drink I bought on ghe way to the guild from my apartment, oh, Natsu isn't anywhere to be found in the guild. They said he took off a mission without telling me. Damn that guy, now I knew why he was such in a hurry a moment back.

"But... I think something is gone wrong here." Levy whispered to my ears, "Like someone is sneaking inside when everyone in the guild is fast asleep. Master Makarov's book of lost magic was lost. Like somebody stole it. But we have no leads." She said,

My eyes widened. "Lost magic?!"

Levy nodded. "They said its a book on how to cast lost magic spells, but 'lost' magic means 'evil' and 'black' and 'dark' magic with a payment you must dealt with when you summon, your life."

I gasped. "Who would in the right mind to steal such a book?!"

"Well, we don't know. But I think the thief is a wizard who is powerful too, or more likely to be a god slayer." She muttered as she took a piece of cookie in the plate at the table, " but no worries, Gray, Juvia and Wendy are on their way to finding who the thief is. So let's leave it to the guys."

"But am getting bored here. Plus, I have no money to pay my rent on the apartment this month." I sighed.

"Well, I heard you can earn ¥500,000 in an instant in the Harvest Festival this month easily by just joining a contest!" Levy surprisingly told me, she was smiling convincingly like she was telling me to join,

I shook my head. "No contest anymore if that's a beauty pageant. Like, what happened to me a year back?! Ah yes, I became a stone statue! Which is definitely the reason why am out!" Gawd, I hate turning into a stone, nah, never.

I heard Levy giggle and playfully punch my arm, "Oh silly you, Lucy. Its not a pageant! Its a couple contest, more or less." She answered.

My eyes widened. "Couple? As in couples?!"

She nodded. "Well, honestly, no one in the guild is willing to join. But I think Juvia is finding her way to force Gray in. So guess its your time to shine, if you want to have the cash reward plus a couple trip to the famous Yashida Island, you better hurry and fill the forms."

YASHIDA ISLAND?! As in the greatest of the greatest island vacations on Earthland?! O.O ok. This would be great.

"Sure you bet, I will!" Natsu, this is my way of getting revenge. I shall put your name as my partner right now, right here, right away. Tihihi! "Now where's the form of the couple fight?!" It seriously remind me of the couple fight a moment back, well it was pretty amazingly memorable. But, this would be different. I will have a cash price enough to pay for my 7 months rent! Uwaah. Am so excited.





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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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