Chapter 3

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Pit and I had a great time. He took me down to the ground which I call the world below. It's so different there. I saw this yellow and brown spiteful animal. It had a long neck to and very skinny legs. My eyes lit up in wonder when I saw it.

" What is that Pit?! How did its neck get so big?!"

He smiled at me. "It's a giraffe. And it was born with a long neck I guess."

" That must've hurt when it came out of the womb."

We both laughed at that. I noticed people were staring at us. They whispered to each other as they pointed at us. I took notice that they had no wings.

" Why don't they have wings Pit? It's strange."

" They're humans." He chuckled. "Humans can't fly."

"I wonder why is that."

Pit gently held my hand. "Forget them. I want to take you to a fair."

"What's a fair?"

"Your dad should really take you down here. It's fun."

I shivered at the word dad. I felt my body shake in fear. I was hoping Pit wouldn't notice but my hopes shattered. He looked me strait in the eyes and he rubbed my arms trying to calm me down. I never told him about what my dad does to me. I didn't want to worry him.

" Are you ok?" He asked with concern.

"W... We'll have to go back... To school. Now. H...he'll get mad."

" Pitooey..."

"Don't call me that." He knows I despise that nickname.

"I'm sorry, Dark Pit," he held me close. "He won't hurt you anymore. I promise. I won't let him."

I didn't know what to say. I was shocked he'd put his life on the line for me. Pit, you make me love you more and more every second.

"What does he do to you?"

" Beats me, taunts me, threatens me, calls me names, and he...he.... Can we go somewhere private?"

He picked me up without saying a word and flew back into the sky. I can still fly you know. He flew back to the rock from before and sat me on it. I was about to protest by telling him I could fly on my own but he interrupted.

"What did he do to you?" His voice sounded grim.

I flinched a little. "H...he touched me. He made me touch him. He told me this is what I get for being a bad boy and he put himself inside me."

I looked up to see Pits face flare with rage. His eyes looked like he was ready to kill. He was after my fathers blood. I watched him start to fly towards my house. I flew as fast as I could to catch up with him. I took hold of his arm and begged him not to go. He pulled his arm back and flew faster. I tried my best to keep up with him but he kept flying faster. Soon he was too fast for me. My heart pumped faster than it usually should, my breathing became really heavy, my vision blurred, and my lungs felt like they were on fire. I knew I had to stop to take a break but I wouldn't allow myself to do so. I had to protect Pit from my monster of a father. I keep trying to find him until I realized something.

"How could I protect Pit when I couldn't protect myself?" I thought aloud.

I became too dizzy to fly. I safely landing on a cloud and took deep breaths to breath. I needed water, I needed it badly. I also needed some medicine. I didn't think Pit would fly in soon. He's long gone. I picked up part of the cloud and held it above my mouth. I gave it a squeeze and let that sweet water pour into my mouth. Good it tasted good. Especially in my condition. My dad told me I have this medical condition but nobody told me what it was. My lungs burned so much it felt like they were burning their way out if my skin.

"Pit, please be ok."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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