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I tried to open my eyes and saw that certain someone. The one with the green hair,the one who just jumped in the sea to help me, the one and only Drew... He was holding me and swam upwards. Now that I'm in his arms, I'm safe.

With that thought I closed my eyes smiling.

I felt healed that actually good as I didn't want to think about that black hole memories. I tried to move but wasn't able to even move a single bit.

I sighed inwardly,there has to be a way I could move. After trying and failing miserably I gave up and relaxed myself.

"That freak I swear" Someone cursed. That voice.... that doesn't belong to anyone in the ship I'm sure,Yet that feels familiar.

" That's all I m tired let's go"

So now I know why that supposed to be familiar.

"Shut up we have to get done with." Another voice said. I tried to make a noise but failed.........again.

"Well that isn't my problem! She wanted to destroy that Leaf girl. She exchanged Gary's Gift alright!?!" The familiar voice said.

I must be not visible to them.
Or I'm visible but in a corner lying like a lifeless teenager.
Screw me not able to move.

So their the once who are trying to separate Leaf and Gary. Their talking about someone, it could be a possibility that it could be the same girl who kissed Gary.

"Why yes and could you shut up? You are nearly screaming and you'll wake up everyone in this ship. Its 4:15 am" The other voice whispered.

" We have to get done with and inform Clare that we had already found the ship where Princess Maybelle and Princess Mistfire are captivated." The familiar voice said as she did something. Suddenly I could hear footsteps coming near me.

"Write fast and keep that in the drawer. Let's Go someone is coming " the other one rushed. They both left after I heard the drawer open and close.

So they are with Clare.

Footsteps became more audible. I gulped inwardly with fear. Great why I can't move!?!

The door opened with a creaked sound as someone came in. He or she sat besides me. I could feel the hand on my forehead.

"She is hot, Now where did the medicines Go." I head familiar voice said.

Drew? I thought, it's him but what is he doing here at 4:15am?

"Aha! Found you. Now where is the slip that hikari gave me." Soon enough he must have found the slip as he placed a chair besides me and sat on it.

Something sharp entered my body as I felt to scream. I know what it was. The most horrifying and painful thing!

I winced, I will kill hikari for finding only the injection way.

"Finally she moved. Better call hikari" Drew said before I heard the door closed.

I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to get up. With support I went to the drawers and picked the slip which They left. I opened it,before i could even read a word I heard someone calling my name.

"Princess May why are you out of your bed." I heard hikari. I put my hands in my pocket and turned around.

" Nothing, I felt weak so I thought that I could atleast walk."

"That was the lamest reply from you airhead. But oh well you are a airhead" I heard Drew's voice.

What did he JUST CALLED ME!!

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