....Class Picture.... it all started with a Simple Class Picture...... Before everyone started Dying... One by one...
Grade 12- St.Veronica of Amberlyn Academy
i was running and running ,trying to save my self from that Monster i don't know how long i've been running away i'm tired of running away i wish if i could go back in time and made the mistakes to right and made apologies.but its all to late for that. now karma had on me
the tables have turned now. she was chasing me in the forest trying to kill me. i looked around trying to find a place for me to hide. then i heard her humming. she was now walking slowly towards me. with wide eyes i quickly ran towards the old abandoned building which has 7 floors.
i got to the 5th floor of the building and entered the last room of the hallway that was there i tried to locked door. it but it had no lock "shit" i mumbled trying not to be caught. i hid behind the closet. and remained silent for 45 minutes.
when i felt like an hour has already passed i reach to the closet door but before i touched it with my fingers. i heard that same humming. from the same person that killed everyone in our class.
i panicked but i manege to control myself before i do something stupid. but i got even more panicked when i heard the door opened. of the room that i was in. i prayed and prayed for that she would not find me nor looked at the closet atleast.
she finished reaching around the room and she was about to leave when she stopped dead in her tracks "shit she is just 1 foot away from that Fucking door, w-why did she stop?" i thought to myself . she looked at the closet smiling widely carrying a knife on her right hand holding it tightly, blood dripping from it and all over her clothes "oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no" i whispered- talked really low.
now she was walking slowly.....
towards the closet.....
that i was hiding from.....
She said in a deepest voice that a woman can have.
sending shiver down to the very bottom of my spine.
i screamed loudly run out of the closet that i was hiding from but she pulled a really tight grip onto my black hoodie stopping me from running.
i screamed and screamed for my life begging for mercy. but it was no use. she stabbed me in my left arm. i screamed and she stabbed me once again in the arm. causing me to fell into the cold floor holding my arm trying to stop it from bleeding. she then pulled out a very long jigsaw from her back of hers.
my eyes wide in terror she quickly pinned me down and tied both of my hands on the bed.
tears now streaming down my eyes while sobbing hard. she laughing maniac-ly she then put the jigsaw over my left knee. she looked at me "are you ready?" she ask. i scream for her to stop but din't (i'm making a fool out out my self .fuck.even if i try to stop her, she wouldn't)
i felt a sharp pain in my leg. blood on the floor with now a missing left leg. it was unbearable really. it was too mush to handle. after that she got up i watch her with my blurry vision because of tears.
i saw she pulled out another weapon..... a scalpel she was looking at me with a wide sinister smile that spread across her face. she knelt down into my eye level and stare at them with her emotionless dull eyes.
Clarence: y-you Monster!!! you ki-killed a-all of them!!! stay-stay away from m-me!!!
???: oww~ i already know that i'm a monster no need to tell me Clarence. but tnx for the compliment tho.
after that she cutted my stomach and i scream in pain and pulled out my small intestine out and threw it next is my large intestine. my eyes slowly shutting ??? noticed it. she stabbed me from the right leg 3x. my shot open
???: but the fun is just starting.. don't be tired yet
i was now breathing heavily that made ??? pissed herself off
???: fine then.... have it your way
she then used the scalpel to pull out both of his eyes and stomped on them he screamed weakly.
"Keep your eyes shut"
it was the last thing i heard
slitting Clarence throat open. stabbed him 15x at his back and another 15x infront...... After a while.. she finally stop, stood up admiring her work and looked down at her hands that was really bloody but she din't feel satisfied yet.
she took out 2 buttons, a yarn and a needle. she stitched his eyes with the buttons and stitched a wide smile from his face.
some thing like this:
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