CHP 1.

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Serena !! >>>>>>>>>> Pretty hot huh xD!

You see I wasn't always the ass kicker. Nor the one the guys would call to have some girls ass kicked. I wasn't always so furious with my life,so mad and terrified that I would do such things. Such things like smashing someones face in or getting so drunk I'd smash into something. I was not that girl. You see my friend I was someone else way before. But that's in my past, my old life. That's long gone.

- dream -

"Serena you get your ass down here now!" I hear. The horror awaits. I walk down the long wooden steps leading to the kitchen. As soon as the tile of the floor touched my foot as my other one leaves the steps I'm approached with a flying slap. Cupping my numbed cheek tears fall down my face. I could only imagine how red my side is. Tears now coating my hand I look up. I look up and see the monster who would do such a thing. The monster that I call my mother. I see her hand coming back to hit my delicate face again. Knowing there's nothing I could do I just wait for the pain to shoot across me again. Nothing happened.... Finding the courage to look up I see the person that always helps me at times like this. The only person that had a place in my heart. The only person that cared and loved me as much as I love him. My big brother.

- end of dream-

I wake up and automatically I let out a huge yawn. Oh did those feel great. I yawn again. Boy was I in a deep sleep. Then I remember the horrible dre- nightmare I had. Ever since I left I still have them. But Dalton would always help me. Wait..... Dalton where was he. He always helped me sleep . Cuddling next to me every night. His hard toned muscles always helped, like I always felt safe. I look next to me and then all around the very large decorated room. No sign of him. Hmmm where is he? I sigh very loudly. Woah eww I need to brush. I always hated other peoples morning breath now I have it. Unacceptable. Swinging my legs foward I suddenly let out a scream. Boy was I sore. So sore my legs were still numb. Oooh its hurts bad. Ugh!  I can do this, right ?  I try and swing my legs off the bed again this time faster but this just extends the pain. I let out another scream. This louder than the last.

The door swings open. Trying to ignore my pain I look up and see a very worried Dalton. His cool gray blue eyes darting looking at me panicked . Searching my face if I was okay. His pink plump lips now into a frown. His black hair very messy and every where. As i skimmed him down I came up to his naked chest. Oh lord was he built. Oooh if looks could kill.I'd be on my way to hell.  I smirked. I am so checking my boss out. And I'm loving it. I mentally laughed. Isn't that the Mcdonald's catch phrased? 

He added a toothy smirk. Just  by his smile all of the pain went away and was covered by butterflys. Woah was I whipped. He began walking towards me. OMG he's walking toward me!

 Shut up what am I doing this isnt a highschool crush. This was my gang leader my boss. I needed to respect him . Not think about how many positions we could be in. 

" See something you like?"  he said wiggling his brows and smilling.

" Psh you mean something I'd like to get out my room?" I blurt back. 

He laughs. Boy was his laugh so sexy.

" Rena lets stop this foreplay and get to business."

 He leaned foward. Oh the hell he's about to kiss me. I cant have my boss kissing me that will be so fucking awkward. I quickly move over.

" Yeah business as in brushing my teeth and getting ready for the mission today right?"

I noticed pain shot across his eyes for a quick second before offering me a sly smile. He nods and walked out. Weird?

 I quickly make my way to the bathroom. My legs still hurting from last night. That by far was the worst mission ever. I first stop by my closet, to pick out my outfit. Which contains of white skinny jeans a black and grey halter tank top, along with my black combat boots. Yeah as you can see im not much of a girly girl. (AN:/ Not trying to offend anyone who is or dresses like it. ) Now that my outfit was picked out I need a cold shower for my aching legs. 

I chose the closet bathroom to my bedroom and walked in. The house was huge its self. 4 1/2 bathrooms. 6 bedrooms. 2 living rooms that both contained fire places. A pool and jacuzzi outside that is rarely used due to the cold harsh weather. You might think .. DAMN how the hell did the owner get this type of cash!? Well the owner so happened to be Dalton. Dalton was  2 years older than me and was a leader of a successful gang. When I say gang I don't mean as in scobby doo and the gang I mean as a bad ass gang. A gang that kill for money and power. A gang that I am apart in. 

" Rena open the door." Dalton asked from the the other side of the door. Slowly I opened the door. Remember I was about to hop in the shower so all I am in is a towl wrapped around my tall figure.

" Yes?"

" Um.." He looks so nervous. Dalton never was nervous. He sctrached the back of his head.

" Can I join you?" He asked. Join me ? Oh shower. I'm smart. I dont know though, wouldnt it be weird. But it would also be heaven. I mean whats the worst that can happen. He hits me with a bar of soap in the eye and I go blind?  

I hesitated. " Yeah why not."

His eyes lit up and he started stripping. Until he was as naked as the day he was born. I look down at his manhood and my eyes widen. Boy was he huge ! i wonder if "he" had a name. I laugh aloud. Im such a dumbass. 

" Care to explain whats so funny?"

" Uh nothin- its nothing."

I unwrap the towel. I was totally comfrtable. Dalton seen my body alot of times when we were on mission and things. Never purposly or in the shower though. Hm whatever. I look towards a frozen Dalton. His eyes and face reading lust in them. I blushed at how I could make him look like that.

" Wo- your so beautiful Rena." I blushed even more. 

" Lets hop in ?"

" Lets" 

We both walk in the shower . Immediatly I turn the water on. Dalton standing behind me I could feel his warmth. 

" Hey uh can you scrub my back ?" I ask.

" Anything for you my lady."

His hand starts rubbing my shoulders. But his hands were replaced by his lips. He kissed from my shoulder blade to the middle of my back. Each kiss left behind a pleasure feeling. I was suprised of a little moan that escaped my mouth. Dang this was so wrong but it felt so right. I knew I had to stop and it will. I turned around and handed him the soap.

" Scrub only, thanks."

- end of shower scene ( not tryna get hot and sweaty just yet)

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