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The week passes by with bucky getting less sleep and considerably more irritated. He was waiting for his emotions to burst and couldn't help but hope that it would happen when he was alone. He had been increasingly unpleasant to Midoriya as his lessons carried on, and Miles and laura kept giving him these looks. Whats more, most of the children in the school seemed to think he was the scariest Janitor alive.

Except for the one called Bakugo, who kept spouting out that he would beat Bucky in a fight. He would be promptly ignored by bucky, though. A lot of the teachers seemed to be giving him a lot of space as well.

He was cleaning the halls outside the teacher lounge, when the door opened and a loud booming voice announced, "BUCKY BARNES IS HERE!" Making the Soldier jump and turn around to all might, bearing his teeth and looking ready to blow a fuse. All might kind of shrunk back, waving his hands defensively, "Calm down calm down, I didn't mean to spook You !"

Bucky growled out some bad words, and all might invited him into the lounge. He told bucky to sit, "So, There is something I've been meaning to ask you-"

"So spit it out, Blondie, i don't have all day!"

"Are you the one fighting crime in the middle of the night." all might asked. Bucky kept quiet, his eyes darting away from the blonde, who continued, "because if you are, you're doing a pretty good job. You took down different drug deals, all at different places. It must take a long time..."

"Maybe it does."

"Why is it that you're taking to be a night owl, anyway? Was the publicity of being a hero at day time too much for you?"

"I'm not a hero!"

All might tilted his head, "you fight crime, you leave criminals for the police, you protect people, what about all of that doesn't make you a hero?"

Bucky got up. his emotions were starting to go off, and he didn't need to cry in front of the all mighty all Might. A strong hand grabbed his wrist, and bucky started thrashing against it, "Let go!"

"Calm down -"

"Let. Me. Go, before I kick your ass you giant piece of -" His voice cracked, and All might remained silent. He let the other cry for a moment, releasing his wrist. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

"I can't be a hero..." Bucky mumbled between sobs, bringing his hands to his face to wipe away tears before they even fell. "I just can't..."

Allmight stood, taking a tissue and offering it to bucky before he left. He stayed for a while, cleaning the room until he calmed down some. He felt better now that he got rid some of his bottled up emotions. It took him fifteen minutes until the place was spotless and he had regained his composure. he continued to clean like a demon, going around with a frown on his face that scared the teachers as well as the children.

At the end of the school day bucky left early, which meant he wouldn't be walking with Midoriya past the ice-cream parlor. He paused like he usually did, about to reach for his wallet and get an ice cream for Deku, but felt guilty when he realised he left the other behind. He should have waited. He was going to go back to the school and get Deku, when someone waved at him for them to come closer.

Hesitantly, he approached the stranger and went into an alley with them. "do you have a quirk?" He asked bucky

"Ah, No -"

"here." He was handed a piece of paper. when he looked at it, it was a map. On the map, there was a little x, Marking a abandoned warehouse. He had passed it before on one of his patrols. "whats this about?"

"There's gonna be a revolution, My friend. Tonight, everyone gathers at that location. You are quirkless, right?"

"Yes, yes, I'm quirkless, but why -"  The man turned and left, shushing bucky before he broke into a straight up sprint.

Now this was something they needed to look into.

I was suffering from Writers block for the longest time, and thus, this chapter was hard to write and ended up being incredibly short. I apologize.

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