December 16th, 2017

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Liam didn't want to ride in the same car as Ashton since all they do is fight, but after a couple hours we stopped for gas and talked while Ash slept.



"Did Ashton throw a fit about how far we were? Ask why we were so far? Or you know, why you left with me in the first place?"

"He asked what we talked about and did the whole time but that's pretty much it. I don't think he cared that much. I'm pretty sure he was with Kristina most of the time, he smelt like cheap 'Hello Kitty' perfume and weed."

"Ah yes, the smell of hoe." We both laughed loudly. I jumped up to sit on the trunk of the car, Liam stepped in front of my so my knees were against his hips. He stared at me, my breathing stopped while he did so. I could feel how intently he was looking at me, it was almost as if his eyes were burning a hole through me.

His gaze didn't feel off putting, it felt normal. "Liam?"

"Yes Amelia?" He leaned closer to me, he was now standing between my thighs, I could feel him breathing on me. It felt warm, making the rest of me cold. I shivered.

A sudden thud in the car made Liam jump backwards, Ashton had hit his head on his window while trying to turn over in his sleep.

"We should go, it's getting cold too, you should put your bike in the trailer and get in the car."

"I was thinking the same thing. Also, babydoll the cold doesn't bother me. We live in Oregon. Just because it's almost Christmas doesn't mean it's too cold."

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