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Do I wish I was born before? Maybe, maybe not. Is life better now? Perhaps, but it's not the same as nine hundred years ago. They say then you had freedom, more freedom as we still have it; privacy was something we lost when It took power.

They say they made a program to take care of itself, to control other programs and machines instead of consuming human labor, but that was six hundred years ago, too long ago. Some think the ones who created, who designed it kept updating it until it could update itself. This was their first mistake.

It continued to do its job for hundreds of years, updating and infiltrating itself in all it could, until one day it was everywhere, both online and offline. There isn't one place it isn't, nowhere.

It took over total control of the entire world two hundred years ago. People who opposed or tried to stop were terminated or never heard of again. Anyone that still tries to hack or even disobey, they disappear the following day.

We managed to develop flying cars, incredibly fast bullet trains, flying buses, speed delivery, instant food, clean water, and many other things. It controls it all. If It notices someone or some group is suspicious, It will poison their food or water, make them lose their jobs, and worse things.

It isn't evil. On the contrary, It is very good and benevolent if you follow its rules. They are simple: obey, no secrecy, do what you are told, and be yourself.

But it always gets me thinking, how can I be myself when someone, in this case, something is always watching me? A person can be different depending on which situation they're in. Someone that strikes as a rude and arrogant person, when alone can be a sweetheart.

But we've learned not to question because questioning leads to doubt, and doubt is seen as being opposed, and you know what being opposed gets you.

In the city I live in, where Its main computer resides, my home is in the poorest part, but not the worst. It's far from the center, where the rich people live, which I'm somehow glad as they are all rude and snobby.

I live in a small apartment with a small kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. It's very technological in the sense there are panels over the wall where I can regulate the temperature of the room, light, temperature of the water when I bathe, and what food I want, which is very limited and tasteless. Even if we have the best delivery system ever, the food for people like me is equivalent to what we can afford, crap.

 Even if we have the best delivery system ever, the food for people like me is equivalent to what we can afford, crap

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The city of Arca, the wealthiest of them all, is separated into three.

The city of Arca, the wealthiest of them all, is separated into three

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