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In gd mansion
Swara is pacing here and there ....Swara is in tension
Cook-madam a problem arise
Cook-madam as Sir only stay here. ..he is diet freek there is nothing there to cook rather than green tea salad oats ....if u give some rupees than I will purchase some vegetables and necessary
Swara-my whole salary finished in doing this setting. u have something
Cook-madam from my salary u purchased this make up and clothes
Cook-ragini madam
Swara and cook goes to Ragini ask for money
Ragini -Swara u know my salary i can't arrange it ...laksh is taking me out
Swara-ragini stop what the hell u consider urself as here we are solving ur problem because of u someone else life is in danger ....u are taking situation lightly....if anything get wrong we will be in jail
Ragini -Swara then what u wanted i go and beg
Swara-u have to if situation comes
Ragini -i am not born to do's not my problem
Cook-then we to are not at problem too come mam it's her problem she will deal herself
Swara and cook leaves
In orphanage road
Swara is walking by holding some food someone dash with her and food falls by falling Swara got some wound but she crying by seeing fallen food
Person -am sorry I was little worried I did see u....oh God u have go wounds
Swara-its okay my food what will give to children
Person -you have children too
Swara looks up
Swara-sanskar (not audible )It's okay
Sanskar -wait u got wounds because of me I will treat it
Swara-sir more than injury my orphanage children food is spoiled already it is very less ...know from where I borrow money
Sanskar -i will help u
Swara-no need Sir
Sanskar -don't argue know as it lunch time they will be hungry first come we go to hospital then to orphanage
Swara -i am okay I will go later first hospital
Sanskar -okay my gaurds will take foods to orphanage. .u come with me .
Sanskar -i will not kidnap u ...okay we will go In taxi
After doing dressing
Sanskar -i am hungry let's have something
Swara-you carry on Sir
Sanskar -i don't like to repeat myself
Sanskar -i know u know dont argue
In Gm
Laksh -Ragini if u don't mind can u tell ur servant's to arrange food little early my mom is diebatic
Ragini -(tensed)sure
Laksh -after lunch we can go out

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 2(completed )Where stories live. Discover now