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Dp is standing in front of ram sujata and two girl child photos which were hanging with garland tears were flowing from his eyes
Ap comes from back
Ap-dp ji they don't know the truth that's why they said like this
Dp-annapurna u know na to save ram I have to kill dad
Ap-why are u saying me I know everything
Dp-but I did injustice to u ..I can't save our daughters because being king my responsibility stops me and make my way to save sujata's  children. they forgive me
Voice -dad what are you saying
Dp-sanskar laksh
Sanskar -dad we are the one who should apologies because yrs before to save us from grandpaa u sacrificed the life of your children for us ....maa paa was proud of us because u given us best upbringing
Laksh -never we felt u are our baade papa. ...if maa paa also alive they also can't able to love us like u
Dp-u both are my children
Ap-no our
Sanskar -why stopped me in morning
Dp-what u expect after such humiliation they will shower flower
Ap-as without there complete knowledge we can abuse them then why can't they
Sanskar -dad
Dp -sanskar my family trust me that's enough for me
Swara Urvashi and cook goes out to roam kolkatta they are enjoying ..when suddenly some one comes out of car
Man-urvashi Swara. ...ramdeen kaka what are you 3 doing in kolkatta
Urvashi -swara am I dreaming ..can u see him
Swara-unfortunately yes
Cook-my job
Urvashi -forget it
Man-are you three become deaf and dumb
Urvashi -if you both want your life and safely go from kolkatta then run
Trio run away
That man run little distance but he lost them
..... ......
Three aŕe heavily breathing
Ap-what happen u three are I call the doctor
Urvashi -no no we are fine actually we have in evening
Ap-but Ragini said u all will leave tomorrow
Urvashi -wao we have am important work
They literally run to the room ...they pack the luggage
Ragini -what happen why u are scared
Swara-dont ask questions just pack and run
They dragged her ...they said bye in hurry as they opened the door there dp and many relative standing and girls shower flowers on Ragini. . Ap dp comes to her
Dp-yesterday it was ur test we want to know u really love Laksh or behind his money u proved no one is better then u to laksh
Ap-we have thought many more decoration but because of ur family members we have to arrange it in hurry
Kavita and kavya -we are sorry Bhabhi...will u forgive us please
Sanskar -we can start fresh
Everyone knee down in front of Ragini will u accept us
Ragini -(teary eyes ) yes
All gets up and hugs her.. Swara Urvashi and cook face is scared
Urvashi -swara if we didn't leave today tomorrow will be our funeral
Before Swara could say anything her phone rings by seeing caller I'd she becomes scared
Sanskar -anything wrong
Swara-everything. nothing ... (cut the call )
Urvashi-accha bhai shahab u like Ragini she like u all we should leave come Swara kaka
Ap-but urvashi ji
Urvashi -arrey tomorrow or someday she has to be here why not today
Laksh -if u all stayed till engagement
Swara-our love is with her
Before anyone anyone could say Ragini burst out
Ragini -no from childhood I am alone in small happiness I was alone ...then u come to my life but u are always in ur problem  ...but today I getting biggest happiness of my life u all won't go
Swara-listen to me Ragini
Ragini -no I won't
Swara-dad is
Ragini -no
Dp-everything is clear know u 3are not going anywhere leaving my dil in sorrow. ...and don't force me to take any strict action
Ragini comes happily were as three were sitting in sadly
Ragini -are u all not happy for me
Urvashi -for ur happiness only we were going
Ragini -means
Swara-means our dad Shekhar gadodiya with his family shifted here in kolkatta. morning he seen us
Ragini -what's the big deal ..Shekhar ji doesn't know this family
Urvashi -Ragini he is a famous doctor today or tomorrow our lie will be caught
Ragini -leave it Laksh said he had surprise for us someone came to meet us
Ragini -i asked laksh but he said it surprise

Swara Ki Nautanki Season 2(completed )Where stories live. Discover now