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When I arrived home I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I cried so much like so fucking much. That's how bad I love Aisha. I want her back. But she's happy with nick now. I'm such a fuck up..

My thoughts were interrupted by nick coming in

"Go away!" I cried more

"Dude look I'm sorry. I dated Aisha to see if you will get jealous. But I still did love her. I broke up with her and now she can be yours" he smiled

"You don't get it!!" I shouted

"She called me horrible and annoying!!!" I wiped my tears.

"Look you left her heart broken. Just talk to her" he patted my back

"I will when I'm ready" I laid down.

"Ok goodnight bro" he left..

I grabbed my phone and called Zion. He didn't answer. I called at least 29 times but no answer. I called Brandon and he picked up

B-Brandon A-Aisha
B:omg Aisha what's wrong
A:Nick was cheating on me and Zion won't pick up my calls
B:should I give the phone to z?
A:yes please

I went to z's room and went inside.

"Bro it's a-

"Mandy is on the phone" I passed the phone

Z:hello mom?
A:z it's me Aisha  DONT HANG UP PLEASE
Z:what do you want
A:z please I still like you I mean love you! U are my world when you left me holy lord you don't know how much I was crying! My eyes were pure red like dead ass red even ask Austin and Edwin!

Z:Look I love you too ash but I need a break away from you and Zahira just to clear my head. Tell Zahira I love her with all my heart.

A:z don't do it please

Z:bye Aisha I love you..
Call ended
I miss her already....

"UGHHH" I cried throwing things around.

I punched the walls which made a hole.

"Mum what wrong" Zahira came running to me

"I miss your dad so much he was my everything" I cried on her neck

"Shhhh it's ok mum dad will come back home soon" she hugged me

"He said he's not coming back here again" I cried even more.

Zahira also looked sad

"But I want my mum and dad together"I saw a tear fall down her chubby cheeks

"I know me too" I hugged her again

I been throwing things across my room for an hour. I miss her like crazy but she doesn't want me. Ugh I'm going to sleep...

I was crying so bad but I just had to go to her house. I drove as fast as I could and I reached her house. I still the spare keys so I opened the door and ran into Aishas room. I opened the door and Aisha looked at me

"ZION" she ran to me

"AISHA" I picked her up and hugged the life out of her

"I missed you so much" I cried in her neck

"I missed you more z" she cried as well

I kissed her so hard and she kissed back. I held her lil cheeks and she held my dreads. She slide her tongue into my mouth which caused me to moan.

I also slide my tongue in her mouth and now were having a tongue battle. I love this girl.


I woke up and looked around me but Aisha wasn't there. Ugh I need her. I miss her🥺.....

(She has the same dream as Zion😂)

I woke up and Zion wasn't there. I miss him so much.

Short Chapter but I have a boyfriend

The boy with the curly hair is my bby🥰 (edited:EX EX EXXXX) and the person he's looking at is meh💀🥰 (edited:bitch I regret my life)

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The boy with the curly hair is my bby🥰 (edited:EX EX EXXXX) and the person he's looking at is meh💀🥰 (edited:bitch I regret my life)

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