Chapter 4

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Jacks POV

I started making my way to the back of the stage i didn't know what i was going to say but i needed to talk to her i don't care if she kills me i need to figure out why she shut me out and disappered.

Pitch's POV

owww my head hurts shit i forgot all about the gig when i looked up i saw elsa on the stage i went to stand up when there were all these chicks clinging to me like frekin leeches GOD what was i doing on this couch in the middle of the crowd wait thats right elsa dra..... my face turned into a tomato i i tryed to kiss elsa ahhhhh i i i think i'm gonna die i need to go talk to her i managed to get free and made my way outside to see elsa talking to that jack guy I don't like him (AT ALL) not after what he made elsa go through elsa looked like she was about to cry

Elsa: leave me ALONE jack i don't want to talk to you

Jack: Why not what did i ever do to you your the one that stopped talking to me and left.

Elsa: *her hair cast a shadow over her face* well if you want to see it that way then go do so i don't care any more *Elsa is about to leave when Jack grabs her wrist*

Jack: .... i'm sorry for wahtever i did I...


Jack: elsa i

Elsa: forget it

elsa drives off on her motorbike

No ones POV

jack stood there and was about to leave when pitch grabbed by the collar with a crazed look in his eyes

Pitch: leave Elsa alone she already has enough stuff to deal with she dosn't have time to deal with your confused feelings right now and don't go after her i'm the one that gets to help her you don't desearve to get on her good side.

Jack: wha-what did i do that was so bad

Pitch: so you don't know

Jack : what, what don't i know

Pitch:If i tell you, you have to promise me not to make Elsa cry again or there will be serious consequences got that

Jack: ok

---------------------- Flash back---------------------------------------------------

(the day before everything went bad)

Elsa: bye jack see you tommorow

Jack: ok bye

elsa was walking down a dark alley when she looked behind her she saw a dark figure coming towards her at first she wasn't scared then it got closer and closer it was called a nightmare they're not living beings they're created by peoples fears and they were sent from an assassination orginisation that got requests to kill certain people for a price of course and a whole group were aiming for a little girl not even in highschool but they didn't care she ran .

*puff puff* help someone help. no one came she was cornered no where to go no where to run she didn't mean to do what she did but she was just so scared she covered the building in blue flames but not just any regular flames they were ice cold they were like acid and soon the building the nightmares everything was gone and when she got home blood covered the walls the air stained with the stench of death when she walked into the kitchen her parents were lying on the ground she heard a scream come from her sisters room the nightmares were approaching elsa's sister anna who was only 9 years old elsa's eyes changed to a dark rage of purple and she did it again blue flames covered the room she grabbed anna who fainted from the fear elsa carried anna out of the slowly burning house when anna finally woke up

Anna: Elsa, where's mummy and daddy?

Elsa: they're gone away for a while

Anna: when are they coming back els?

Elsa: i don't know but until they do we have to be good girls

Anna: i don't feel well Elsa

Elsa: c'mon lets go find some place to stay the night.

hey guys i was thinking of making another chapter about how anna and elsa survive and stuff i will try and update as soon as possible so byeeeee :)

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