chapter 5 after the fire

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BTW this is time set thing is a month after the fire when elsa and anna were kids

Anna: Elsa elsa Wake up

Elsa: go away anna

Anna: but the skys awake so i'm awake and we need to get something to eat anyways and what better time to get i, so come on

Elsa: ok

elsa put on her mask and put her ice dagger in under her dress she walked towards a bakery and while the shop keeper wasn't looking grabbed 2 loaves of bread cream donut and a box of choclate fudge, but she forgot to keep a constant watch behind her because a man in his late teens saw everything.

stranger: hey kid put those back unless your gonna pay for them which i doubt the man whispered

Elsa glared at the man and without a second thought she ran at the door with all the food before the stranger had time to react anna came and kicked him where the sun don't shine after lying on the floor in pain for awhile he finally stood up and ran after the two little girls.

Elsa and anna were now back at home and by home i mean an old run down hotel they lived on the second floor.

Elsa: hey anna

Anna: what?

elsa then pulled out all the food and it was in perfect shape elsa and anna had a feast then went to sleep but elsa new she couldn't sleep she had to go and protect her sister, elsa grabbed her mask and dagger and went outside to take care of all the nightmares in the area.

Stranger POV

where did those little brats run off too i walked around till i found a little crumb trail and puddles of cream it had to be them the trail led to a run down hotel i went in to see a little girl to well what seemed like talking to the moon?

Anna: hi mummy and daddy hurry up and come home i've been a realy good girl like Elsa told me and when you come back i hope you brought me some souviners well good night love you see you soon hopefully.

what no who was she talking to and where are her parents the little girl then turned around to see me and before i could tell her not to scream she did and i told her to calm down but she just started crying and before you know it there was another little girl behind meshe had bruises down her arm and a few scratches on her face and she was holding a bloody dagger i was scared as hell who were theese girls?

Elsa POV

 i saw the man from earlier and anna was crying i tryed really hard to control myself instead i tried to talk to the man

Elsa: who are you

Stranger: my name is mark and wait i should be asking the questions here

Elsa: well Mark you need to go or they're gonna think your a friend of myn

mark: what do you mean and where's your parents

Elsa: they died in a fire last month

Mark POV

i couldn't beleive what that little girl just said but i felt like she wasn't being completley honest but that would explain alot about why they were stealing  and where they live i couldn't just leave them here all alone.

Mark: whats your name

Elsa: my name is elsa and thats my little sister anna

Mark: are you hungry

Elsa: yeah what of it'

Mark: well i was gonna get something to eat you and you could come with me if you want that is if you want to

i turned around to feel a tug on my arm

anna: i wanna come

Mark: ofcourse where do you wanna go

anna: i wanna a happy meal from Mcdonalds

mark: ok then come on

i grabbed anna's hand and elsa followed i could tell she was much more mature for her age i could see her holding her dagger under her dress i don't think she trust's me yet but i guess i'll have to change her mind.

Hey guys well hoped you liked that chapter this chapter is just a memory no one knows this except elsa ,annd and mark so yeah byeeeeeeee

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