Chapter 1

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Son Oh Gong lost count of the days he spent fighting upon entering the Netherworld. He knew time here went by differently than in the living world.

And he also knew he would find Jin Seonmi in Elysium. The part of the netherworld where the good souls go.

Living an isolated lifestyle and sacrificing her life by emptying herself-- like a freaking container-- definitely got her straight to Elysium.

But he can't just go directly to Elysium. He had to go through Hella-- where the bad and evil souls go.

Son Oh Gong had to fight the fiercest and strongest guards of Hella before reaching Elysium.

The heavens deliberately arranged for it to be this way so not anyone can just cross to Elysium.

But he was Son Oh Gong, the Great Sage, Equal of Heaven. These mere guards cannot stop him from fetching Jin Seonmi.

He "killed" the last guard of Hella-- guards here don't die completely, they'll revive later-- and was greeted by a window to Elysium.

This window, more like a big portal, can be seen anywhere from Hella to make the souls long for something they will never reach.

He caught his breath. He knew he was a mess right now and he was kind of worried of what Jin Seonmi will think if she saw his messy state. Then he decided, screw it.

What's important is I'll get her.

He was willing to offer half of his deity powers just to make Jin Seonmi's soul ethereal. She will be like him-- half deity, half goblin.

I hope she'll be game for that.

He was about to step into the portal when Elder Soobori spoke behind him.

"You're too late, Son Oh Gong."

Son Oh Gong faced his former teacher. "What?"

"Jin Seonmi-ssi and her family have already reincarnated. You won't find their souls anywhere in Elysium."

Son Oh Gong searched for the lie in his teacher's face. Soobori was the worst liar he has ever seen.

However he got... nothing.

"She... they... have reincarnated?" He asked in a weak voice.

The elder nodded.

He whispered, "Jin Seonmi.."

Son Oh Gong fell to his knees. After everything he went through. After all the guards he faced. Only one thing defeated him: time.

He was too late.

All he can do now was the one thing he hated the most-- the one thing he hated to do that made him come down to the netherworld in the first place-- to wait.

All he can do is wait.

He returned home to Mawang's.

They were now settled in the living room: Mawang, Secretary Ma, Sa Oh Jeong, Jeo Pal Gye, and General Frost.

"They reincarnated already?" Mawang asked for the hundredth time, more to himself than to anyone else.

Jeo Pal Gye spoke, "Jin Seonmi-ssi gave too much of herself. Of course, the heavens would prioritize her reincarnation."

Secretary Ma agreed. "I'm sure she'll live a better life than she did before."

"Don't worry, hyungnim," General Frost told Son Oh Gong. "She'll be fine. She has your eye so if she reincarnated into a human, you'll detect her easily."

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