Chapter 10

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Son Oh Gong was brought to the room where Sunny-- thanks, Scorpion-- was first kept in for preparation.

As for Seo Mijin, he figured that she was brought to that prison they were first put in.

He could see that the sun deity, instead of preparing as the groom, is now in a big cage.

"Son Oh Gong!" He greeted Son Oh Gong. "You came for me, right?! Seungah sent you?"

Son Oh Gong replied boredly as Scorpion's slaves start to undress him. "Yeah. How could you be so stupid and fall for Scorpion's trap, huh?"

Sunny banged against his cage's bars. "That wench told me she has Seungah and that if I told anyone, she'll harm her."

"What made you, Deity of the Sun, to believe her? Didn't you even check if Seungah was in her temple???"

"Of course, I checked! I contacted Seungah through our private communications but she wasn't answering. And Seungah never did not answer. That's why I thought she was really here."

"So that scorpion managed to intercept your private line with Seungah?"

Sunny sighed. "That seems to be it. I don't know how she did it."

"Don't think about that too much. Scorpion has her ways to trap men into marrying her."

It was just then that Sunny noticed Son Oh Gong already wearing the groom's clothes. "Hey! What are you doing?? Why are you wearing that?"

Now, Son Oh Gong sighed. "I told the wench I'd marry her just so you could go out from here before the eclipse."

Sunny was obviously surprised. "You did that? You? Great Sage, equal of heaven? The naughty monkey??"

"Hey, don't be rude," Son Oh Gong said. "I'm only doing this so the world can be normal. I hate it when the sun is not out. It's cold."

"Right," Sunny agreed. "You hate cold."

Silence came for a few moments before Sunny asked again. "Son Oh Gong, you have a backup plan, right? You can't just marry that sly bitch."

The Great Sage smirked. "Well, let's just hope the backup comes before it's too late."

After dressing Son Oh Gong, the slaves left hurriedly and quietly.

"I think she's hurrying your ceremony!" Sunny said worriedly. "Where's your backup??"

Son Oh Gong laid down on the big, empty bed beside Sunny's cage. "I don't know."

"If this continues, you might just marry the worst female ever born!"

Son Oh Gong just smirked. Jin Seonmi, I might not see you again. A tear fell from his eye, which he wiped quickly.

"Can you set me free, now?" Sunny asked. "I hate cages."

"I can't. I have someone here with me. If I free you, it may compromise her life."

"That sucks," Sunny said. And started pacing in his cage. "It'll be 15 hours before the eclipse. Seungah won't be able to handle it alone. I need to get out."

"Wow, so precise," Son Oh Gong complimented. "You know that?"

"Of course, I'm Deity of the Sun, after all." Deity of the Sun smiled. "Seungah should know, too."

They waited for almost half an hour before the slaves came back. Two slaves approached Son Oh Gong and escorted him while another three assisted Sunny out of his cage and bound his hands.

Son Oh Gong noticed the handcuffs. "Oh. It's the inhibition cuffs."

Sunny sighed. "The cage was also an inhibition cage, although they didn't really have to bind my powers. I can't carelessly use them before the eclipse because I need all of my strength to pull the sun."

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