2: Tennessee "Kid" Cooper

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(Y/n) stared apprehensively at the raccoon. She flinched away and scrambled backwards as he reached a gloved hand towards her.

"Easy there, ah ain't tryna hurt ya." The strange raccoon reassured in a soothing tone. "Ah'm just tryna help."

Reluctantly, (Y/n) let him guide her into a sitting position. He briefly fumbled with (Y/n)'s restraints. Within minutes, she was free.

"There," the raccoon remarked as he tossed the ropes to the side, "Ah'm sure that feels much better."

(Y/n) nodded absently and shakily pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. The stranger's eyes widened with concern. He quickly untied the yellow bandanna around his neck and pressed it against (Y/n)'s head. Immediately, (Y/n) recoiled from his touch.

"What are you doing?"

"What do ya mean 'what're ya doin?' Yer head's bleedin, don't that hurt?" The stranger asked in alarm, the now blood tinged bandanna still extended towards (Y/n).


(Y/n) remained still as the stranger reapplied the cloth to her head.

"So, who might you be?" (Y/n) asked tentatively.

"You ain't from round here are ya?" The stranger chuckled in amusement, "Mah name is Tennessee, Tennessee Kid Cooper. Who might you be?"


"Where're ya from Miss (Y/n)?"

"I.... Don't know."

Tennessee paused and looked at (Y/n) in surprise, "What'd ya mean ya don't know?"

"I mean I don't know. Well, more accurately I don't remember."

"Ya don't remember?"

"I don't remember anything other than what just happened."

Tennessee let out a low whistle and stroked his chin in thought.

"Tell ya what," he said after a moment, "There's a town not too far from here. Ah'll drop ya off there tomorrow mornin an hopefully you'll be able ta find some answers (and a doctor) there."

"Why don't we just go there now?"

"If'n ah recall correctly we were just runnin from a band a outlaws. Outlaws that're probably still lookin fer us. If we leave now they'll spot us and we'll have ta repeat this whole thing over again." Tennessee explained, "If'n we wait till tomorrow they'll likely have given up on chasing us down an avengin their friend."

(Y/n) was sceptical but he did have a point. Given the choice between Tennessee and a shady group of outlaws she'd probably be much better off with Tennessee. Besides, it wasn't like she had much of a choice. She would just have to trust that Tennessee was a man of his word and wasn't hiding much darker intentions from her.

"Alright, when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, that way we can sneak away while those bandits are sleepin. Assumin that their still lurkin around that is."

(Y/n) nodded in agreement.

"One more thing."


"How do I know I can trust anything you've told me?"

"Ah suppose ya don't," Tennessee admitted, "but do ya really have much of a choice darlin?"

"I'll post it tomorrow" she says. "I'll see you all soon!" She says.

Here is the chapter I was supposed to post about two months ago. I have no excuses.

I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes (especially with Tennessee's accent). I'll be editing it some time in the future, hopefully soon.

I plan on posting the next chapter within the next couple of days. I am currently a little sick at the moment so I anticipate that I will have a lot of time to work on this over the next couple of days.

Love you guys and thanks for being patient with me! 💛

Red River Valley: A Tennessee "Kid" Cooper x reader fanfic (on Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now