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Original Edition: Chapter Twenty-Four

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THIS WAS NAOMI'S THIRD TIME ON A BICYCLE. The first time all she could remember was that she was in kindergarten and everyone could ride one except her. So one day, she seized an opportunity. She got on one of her friend's and she began to pedal and, somehow in her attempt, she forgot the importance of balance and when she planted face-first into the grass, everyone was laughing. Even the teacher. The second time, was not so long ago. She was at Jessica's house and after telling her the same story, Jessica insisted they take out the bikes that she had in her garage. Naomi had to learn. That time, the problem was not so much her balance but her coordination. Nevertheless, when she fell she skidded across the asphalt in Jessica's driveway, the permanent bruises that painted her thighs made this time a lot harder to forget.

The third time, Naomi thought, would never come. She accepted the fact that she would go her entire life without ever knowing the thrill, the excitement, the freedom of riding a bicycle.

But, like many other things she'd entrusted in recently, that displacement had been crushed so dramatically it seemed ridiculous to have ever existed in the first place. Especially as the sharp wind sliced her skin awake, Naomi felt laughable when she thought of it.

This, sitting on the edge of the Tiger's bicycle and blazing through Riverside's roads carelessly, felt like destiny. Like, despite everything, this was where she was bound to end up. It was a wild thought to entertain for sure but recently, Naomi had come to realize that those were the thoughts she enjoyed entertaining the most. So, her shoulders fell and she smiled just a little brighter as The Guise carried her toward the unknown.

The police sirens had long been drowned out under the growls of their bicycle wheels on top of Riverside's unforgiving road. Naomi supposed that zipping through narrow alleys and back lanes made them unpredictable and hard to follow. Then like the rising sun, she realized that she was holding on to something legendary. The Guise, after all, was as legendary as they come. And, right then and there, she was with them, riding bicycles down Chestnut Street in the early dawn of Riverside without caring who sees and who took out their phones to take pictures. Naomi Morgan would've never guessed she'd be here. She didn't think anyone would've guessed she'd be here. But she was, and it might have been the single most legendary thing she had done all summer. She dipped her head backward to see the sun smiling down at her and chuckled.

Like so many other things, it was brittle and unheard at first. But it grew and grew until it was louder than the wind whipping in her hair. Till it was louder than the pained screams in her back. Till it was louder than the toes of her shoes rubbing against the road. The Tiger glanced back at her, and so did the Bull but their concealed faces only made it funnier. It was absurd. While the Bull faced forward again, Naomi could faintly hear the giggles of the boy she was sharing the bike with. She smiled a little wider and imagined that he was pedalling with a beaming smile. Naomi Morgan laughed and laughed and laughed, her voice filling the open road all the way down Mission Inn Avenue and past vaguely familiar buildings staring down at her in pride.

Until We Break (Formerly Wicked, Wild, Wonderful)Where stories live. Discover now