Welcome Back! - 2

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I sit down at my desk in math class, take a pencil and a book out of my bag. I feel very awkward, I haven't gone to school since the first two weeks of this school year. It's a little bit over half way of the school year now. I imagine I have a lot of classwork that I need to catch up on.

I see someone familiar walk into the classroom. Once he was fully in the room, I recognize him. It's Mr. Rice!

"Hey, kiddos! How were your guys' weekends?" He says. He then walks behind his desk, organizes some paper, then looks up at me. He seems really confused. Why is he confused? Why is he looking at me? Only me? He scratches his head.

"Are you ne-" He says but stops himself before he continues.

"Hold up a second. Ethan, is it?" He asks. I nod.

"Oh! Welcome back, bud!" I look down at the floor.

"Thanks," I say quietly. Someone starts laughing.

"Where have you been? You're late by the way" They say, then laugh again.

"Ha! Did you have your daddy bring you to school?" I wanted to cry, but I held it back.

"I don't have a fa-" I start to say but I stop. Think. Begin talking again.

"I don't have a father. He passed away two months ago. He was shot in the back of his head." I say. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I start crying. The guy looks down, then back up at me. He looked surprised.

"Oh. Wow, dude, I'm really sorry, I was just joking, and I didn't know. I'm so sorry, sorry" He says. I forgive him, and not just because he said 'sorry' like five times in one sentence, well three times, but whatever. I don't say anything else. I don't know what else to say.

After the morning announcements, Mr. Rice looks up from writing on some papers.

"Good morning, guys!" He says cheerfully. No one says anything.

"Huh? I didn't hear you. Good morning, guys!" He says even more cheerfully. He stands there for a few seconds. Still, no response from anyone.

"Okay? Nevermind then. Well, um. Y'all ready for the test?" I see him smile. I think I'm the only one who didn't groan, but seriously, a test?? I've only been back for now only one freaking day! He passes them out to everyone, except for me.

"Begin when you get your papers." He tells the class. He then walks over to me and brings me out of the room and into the hallway.

"You're not ready to take the test, are you?" He asks me.

"Uh, no... I, um, I'm sorry.."

"No, no. You fine. It's okay."

"But, wouldn't I fail it if I don't do it?" I say. He looks down the hallway and seems like he's thinking. He places his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, here's the deal. If you want, I could try to get you a tutor to catch you up on some stuff for class, but if not, I guess, I'll just let you study until you say you're ready to take the test." He says. I stand there thinking for a few moments.

"I think a tutor would be easier for me at this point."

"Yes, I agree. I will try to get one for you as fast as I can, okay?"


"Deal?" He asks.

"Deal," I say.

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