♡Birthday Surprise (Prinxiety + a lil' bit of Logicality)♡

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Note: There's some Logicality as a bonus at the end because fuck it, they're all gay and deserve kisses. Anyway thats enough from me, I wanna get back to playing Roblok :3


Roman's POV:

Somehow me, Logan and Patton had convinced Virgil to sing a song for the karaoke night we were having for my birthday. I was so damn excited, over the past year we've been getting closer, Virgil and I, and I hate to admit it but I've developed feelings for him. He's so unlike me but that makes him so charming. I couldn't wait for him to perform!

The time had come for the karaoke and Patton had just finished singing Bonfire Heart by James Blunt (a gorgeous song in my humble opinion) and it was Virgil's turn next. He was fidgeting with his hands and looking down at the floor as we all awaited his performance. "Can I maybe like, not do this?" He asked timidly. "C'mon kiddo, For me? Pretty please?" Patton asked, giving him the good ol' puppy dog eyes. Virgil looked up at Patton and sighed, admitting defeat. "...Fine."

Virgil made his way over to the microphone and he looked petrified, I felt a bit bad for him not having enough confidence to sing in front of us just casually. The music started. I immediately recognised that synth. It was Lonely Hearts Club by Marina. I wouldn't have ever guessed that he was a Marina fan; he's a man after my heart. My thoughts were interrupted by an angelic voice filling the previously silent room. I was... amazed.

[V  -  R  - Both]

"Laugh track on a TV show, echoes in the dark alone. I go to bed feeling bad that I'm the reason that you're sad..."

Virgil glared at me when he sang that line... I mean, hot, but why?

"January to December, Do you wanna be a member? Lonely Hearts Club, Do you wanna be with somebody like me?"

Virgil kept glancing at me when he sang, the faint constrained happy noises coming from Patton were faintly in the background.

"I feel like if I'm too kind... Then you will only change your mind. Take advantage of my heart and I'll go back into the dark"

He looked... Sad? I couldn't tell if it was just me being silly and seeing things but either way a sharp pang of worry, guilt and pain coursed through me like lightning.

"Love will never be forever, feelings are just like the weather"

He looked like he was about to have a panic attack. 'Think Roman, think God damnit!' I brainstormed a little plan on the spot, the perfect plan to calm him down.

"January to December, Do you wanna be a member?"

I began to sing along with him, our voices entwined like they were made for one another.

"Lonely Hearts Club, Do you want to be with somebody like me?" 

He looked taken aback for a moment and then gave me a warm smile, a silent thank you.

"Lonely Hearts Club, Do you wanna be with somebody like me?"

"Oh, Somebody like me?"

"Oh, Somebody like me?"

"Oh, Somebody like me?"


"Lonely Hearts Club, Do you want to be with somebody like me? Oh"

"Lonely Hearts Club, Do you want to be with somebody like me? Yeah"

"Lonely Hearts Club, Do you want to be with somebody like me? Oh"

All the while we were singing, I was just admiring his beautiful face and staring right into his deep and mysterious brown eyes. Before I knew it, I was leaning in, closing the gap between us until finally, our lips met. It didn't take long for him to kiss back, his hands slid gracefully around my neck as I gently held onto his hips. The kiss lasted the rest of the song and we finally separated as the song was near its end. "Of course I'd be with somebody like you, Virge." I said still holding onto him. He unwrapped his arms from around my neck and hugged me instead. "AHH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" Patton screamed suddenly. "Thanks, Patton" I said. "I'm going. This is getting far too feelings-y and you know I don't do emotions. Have a great evening the rest of you, I'm going." Logan said trying to leave. "So you don't feel anything when I do this?" Patton went up to Logan and pecked him on the lips. "Erm..." Logan's face was putting my sash to shame. He was frozen on the spot. "I'm gonna go get some food." Patton said as if nothing happened, happily skipping off into the kitchen and leaving Logan, Virgil and I in the living room. "Hey Roman?" Virgil said to me, Pulling away from our hug. "Yeah, Virge?"
"Can I show you something I've been working on?"
"Sure, sweetheart!" and just like that, Vigil took me with him to show me whatever it was he'd been working on.

Logan's POV:

I came out of my dazed state after Patton kissed me and I went into the kitchen where he was. I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "L-Logan?" "Yes?" "SO YOU DO HAVE FEELINGS!" He exclaimed happily and turned around to face me. I didn't realize at all but we were both leaning into a kiss and before long, our lips were connected and we had a long loving kiss with me holding his hips and Patton holding onto my shoulders.

Words: 859

Ik it's short but just deal with it. Also, I'm getting more motivation to actually write shit now so yay! Not all of my ideas will be kept drafts for eternity! And do keep in mind I've been dead for 700 years but I'm alive now AND IM RUSY AF- So yeah that's it for the next 50 years- I mean- for now!



(get uwued)

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