Owen the Lamb

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I don't remember much of my mother. She was a sheep, so I suppose she had four legs, a head, wool and a tail. I remember getting nudged out of the way when I went to feed, and Mum giving all her attention to The Other Lamb. I was very young then, only a few hours old, so I didn't understand. Then the Red Mum came, and I got picked up by a Tall-Short Monster. He's now Short Tall One. I snuggled up in his funny-coloured wool. It was warm. I began to like him. Short Tall One got onto Red Mum, and then she roared and we went away. I was very hungry.

I snuggled in Short Tall One's wool and slept. I remember it feeding me. Milk. I loved it. I was so happy not to be hungry. I bleated at him. He made an 'awwm' sound. Very strange.

Then I was taken away, it was very confusing, but at last I came into a bright place. I got put into a box, with a funny-lumpy wool, next to a warm metal thing. I slept happily for the first time in my short life.

That was all when I was veeeery young. Now I've grown and understand more things. I am nearly two days old now, so I am very much much wiser!

Yesterday, I woke up in The Box, with Taller-Tall One standing over me, food-a-ma-bob in hand. I bleated happily. She meee'd funny then moved my Box. She took me out and out me down on a funny grass thing. It was orange and smelled funny (A.N: our orange floor tiles). My feet slipped and I sat on my bum. Taller-Tall One 'awwwm'd'. Then, she fed me. She gave me the most food, so she's my favourite Mum. Then she put a funny coloured grass down. I sniffed it. My back feet slipped. I stepped on it. Hmmm. It felt funny, but at least my feet didn't stray.

Taller-Tall Mum left. I explored my new Bigger-But-Small Box. Meeeeeeh. I missed Taller-Tall Mum. I settled down to sleep unhappily, but with a full stomach at least.

I woke up a few hours later, hungry and bored. Now I wasn't so worried about being hungry, I wanted to do something. Even though I bleated for as long and as loudly as I could, no Mum came.

Hours later, Short-Tall One came in with food, and another loud, funny One. They fed me and stroked me. I loved the attention. They stayed for ages, petting me.

A while later, Taller-Tall Mum came in and they let me out into an even bigger Box. All the new smells and things were so interesting, I didn't know where to turn. I began to climb strange objects, smelling and feeling with my nose. I licked a few things too, but they didn't taste too good. Don't do it.

Then, they broke a part of the wall, and lots of bright light came into the Box. Squinting, I walked over to the hole in the Box's side. Short-Tall One's other One picked me up and out me outside. We played. Oh how we played! They would pet me and rub my head, then run away and I'd chase them. Oh the fun! I also met these other strange Ones. They were the same size as me, and all white too, but they were in a Box with no sides, and they made a lot of noise when I came near. They walked on two feet, and had strange flappy things on their sides, and orange noses. I didn't pay them much attention and carried on playing with the Tall Ones.

Even though I wasn't THAT tired, I let them take me back in after we finished playing. I fell sound asleep in my cosy Box, and only woke when Taller-Tall Mum came in to feed me.

A/N: Thank you for reading this. The video to the side is Owen. Obviously, he's grown up now, lives with the other sheep, and being a typical teenager, he completely ignores us when we call him. Dontcha just love it when that happens?

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